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No prison in England could have held him if he had had a file. With a rusty nail as he had picked up he dug through his cell wall, and came out one night, all of a sudden, upon the Smasher thought he was out of doors, poor beggar, through this cursed angle, you see, and after all had only changed his room." "That must have been the devil," observed Richard. "It was," said Mr. Rolfe, significantly.

And when I said that my father was a smasher, I meant one who passes forged notes, thereby doing his best to smash the Bank of England; by being lagged, I meant he was laid fast, that is, had a chain put round his leg and then transported."

"By George! What a smasher!" said Dent. "The door's bound to go if they can get two or three of those straight on it." Jack glanced at the heavy shot, then turned to the window to watch for the gunners in order to check them in working their destructive piece. "I can't see them," he said. "There's no sign of them at all." Jim and Buck joined him at once.

Trigger lay flat on her back in the shallow sand bar, arms behind her head, feeling the sun's warmth on her closed eyelids. She watched her thoughts drifting by slowly. It just might be Quillan. Ole Major Quillan. The rescuer in time of need. The not-catassin smasher. Quite a guy. The water murmured past her. On the ride out here they'd run by one another now and then, going from job to job.

My way is, when there is occasion to go anywhere, to settle it well in my mind as to the place, and then to make as straight a wake as natur' will allow, taking little account of charts, which are as apt to put you wrong as right; and when they do get you into a scrape it's a smasher!

Like a flash I had before me clearly all the details of my last moments aboard of her: my quick sharp words with Captain Luke, my step backward with my arms up as he and the mate pressed upon me, the smasher that I got in on the mate's jaw, the crack on my own head that stunned me and then my revival of consciousness as I found myself adrift in the ocean and saw the brig sailing away.

The field, as usual, divided into two parts, the soft riders and the hard ones the soft riders going by the fields, the hard riders by the road. Messrs. Spraggon, Sponge, Slapp, Quilter, Rasper, Crasher, Smasher, and some half-dozen more, bustled after Bragg; while the worthy master Mr. Puffington, Lumpleg, Washball, Crane, Guano, Shirker, and very many others, came pounding along the lane.

Later on, even more was asked of the townie, and he rose to the demand. The smasher hat was not unbecoming to the manly brow it shaded, when W. Keyse put it on and anxiously consulted the small greenish swing looking-glass that graced the chest of drawers, the most commanding article of furniture in his room at Filliter's Boarding-House. It was Mrs.

"Dat always so, cook, in battle. Dere! dat a smasher for John Bull!" "He won't want to press more men just now. Eh! Neb?" "Now you see Johnny Crepaud catch it! Woss! Dat cracks 'e cabin winders!" "What dat to us, Neb? S'pose he eat one anoder, don't hurt us!"

And only second to their road making, I would place the work of the Italian Engineers in blasting caverne and gun positions and trenches in the rock, an invaluable and unending labour. We British Gunners spent our first Italian summer in khaki drill tunics and shorts and Australian "smasher hats."