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Dere's Darry, and Pete Pete, he say de meetin' de oder night war 'bout de best meetin' he eber 'tended; he wouldn't miss it for not'ing in de world; he's sure; and dere's ole 'Lize; and de two Jems no, dere's tree Jems dat is ser'ous; and Stark, and Carl, and Sharlim " "Sharlim?" said I, not knowing that this was the Caffir for Charlemagne. "Sharlim," Maria repeated.

The hotel here is called the Brawner House; it has a bar in the nethermost cellar, and its patrons, carousing in that imperfect light, look like the denizens of some burglar's crib, talking robbery between their cups; its dining-room is dark and tumble-down, and the cuisine bears traces of Caffir origin; a barbecue is nothing to a dinner there.

They had the "Caffir bread" the inside pith of the stems of a species of Zamia; and the "Caffir chestnut," the fruit of the Brabeium stellatum; and last, not least, the enormous roots of the "elephant's foot." They had wild onions and garlic too; and in the white flower-tops of a beautiful floating plant, they found a substitute for asparagus.

Dere's Darry, and Pete Pete, he say de meetin' de oder night war 'bout de best meetin' he eber 'tended; he wouldn't miss it for not'ing in de world; he's sure; and dere's ole 'Lize; and de two Jems no, dere's tree Jems dat is ser'ous; and Stark, and Carl and Sharlim " "Sharlim?" said I, not knowing that this was the Caffir for Charlemagne. "Sharlim," Maria repeated.