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Minnie Andrews is a very nice little girl although she has no imagination but after having been Diana's busum friend I cannot be Minnie's. Please excuse mistakes because my spelling isn't very good yet, although much improoved. Yours until death us do part Anne or Cordelia Shirley. P.S. I shall sleep with your letter under my pillow tonight.

Phansy a country through whose werdant planes the selvery Garonne wines, like like a benevvolent sarpent. In its plasid busum antient cassles, picturask willidges, and waving woods are reflected.

"Suffise it to say, when I stood in the Horgust Presnts, when I sor on the right & of my Himperial Sovring that Most Gracious Prins, to admire womb has been the chief Objick of my life, my busum was seased with an imotium which my Penn rifewses to dixcribe my trembling knees halmost rifused their hoffis I reckleck nothing mor until I was found phainting in the harms of the Lord Chamberling.

"Take a chair, sir," says I; and down he sits; and I began to chaff him, as well as I could, about the weather, my illness, my sad axdent, having lost one of my hands, which was stuck into my busum, and so on. At last, after a minnit or two, I could contane no longer, and bust out in a horse laff. The old fellow turned quite pail, and began to suspect somethink.

"Then, draining to the dregs a large bottle of poison he had concealed in his busum he fell ded and lifless at there feet." There was a timid knock at the door and William, scowling impatiently, rose to open it. "What d'you want?" he said curtly. A little voice answered from the dusk. "It's me Peggy. I've come to see how you are, William. They don't know I've come.