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"Ou irons-nous donc?" says coachmin to the genlmn who had got inside. A deep woice from the intearor shouted out, in reply to the coachmin, "A SAINTE PELAGIE!" And now, praps, I ot to dixcribe to you the humors of the prizn of Sainte Pelagie, which is the French for Fleat, or Queen's Bentch: but on this subject I'm rather shy of writing, partly because the admiral Boz has, in the history of Mr.

They lived in tremenjus splendor at home in their pyturnle alls, and had no end of pallises, willers, and town and country resadences; but their fayvorit resadence was called the Castle of the Island of Fogo. Add I the penn of the hawther of a Codlingsby himself, I coodnt dixcribe the gawjusness of their aboad.

And they met the next night, and from that heavning the young men were continyually together. Well, one day, as they were walking in the Quadrant, Jools talking, and Lord Yardham saying, "Wee, wee," they were struck all of a heap by seeing But my paper is igshosted, and I must dixcribe what they sor in the nex number.

"Sir what?" says I, quite agast at the name. "Sawedwad no, I mean MISTAWedwad Lyttn Bulwig." My neas trembled under me, my i's fild with tiers, my voice shook, as I past up the venrabble name to the other footman, and saw this fust of English writers go up to the drawing-room! It's needless to mention the names of the rest of the compny, or to dixcribe the suckmstansies of the dinner.