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One sister was named Choo, and the other Chaa, and one brother was called Jacko, and the other Bumpo. They were funny names, but then, you see, monkeys are funny little creatures, anyhow, and have to be called by funny names, or things would not come out right. Mappo was the oldest of the monkey children, and he was the smartest. Perhaps that was why he had so many adventures.

And I suppose they've often talked about us in the town since," said Jip "wondering whether we're dead or alive." "Cease," said Bumpo, "I feel I am about to weep from sediment." WELL, you can guess how glad we were when next morning the Doctor, after his all-night conversation with the snail, told us that he had made up his mind to take the holiday.

But as Long Arrow began taking up the various things in his collection and explaining their qualities to us, I became more and more fascinated. And before he had done I was completely absorbed by the wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom which he had brought so far. "These," said he, taking up a little packet of big seeds, "are what I have called 'laughing-beans." "What are they for?" asked Bumpo.

I've been doing some one else's business all the time. And now they want me to go on doing it! Why, once I'm made King of the Popsipetels, that's the end of me as a useful naturalist. I'd be too busy for anything. All I'd be then is just a er er just a king." "Well, that's something!" said Bumpo. "My father is a king and has a hundred and twenty wives."

"That settles HIM for a while," said Polynesia coming out from her hiding-place. "Now let him teach navigation to the side-board. Gosh, the cheek of the man! I've forgotten more about the sea than that lumbering lout will ever know. Let's go upstairs and tell the Doctor. Bumpo, you will have to serve the meals in the cabin for the next couple of days."

Well, as I was saying, to-night food was the subject of discussion at the Cabinet Meeting; and I had just been reminding Bumpo of the nice dishes we had had at the bed-maker's house in Monteverde. "I tell you what I would like now," said Bumpo: "a large cup of cocoa with whipped cream on the top of it. In Oxford we used to be able to get the most wonderful cocoa.

Then the Doctor, Long Arrow and Bumpo would hurry to the weak spot, a terrific hand-to-hand fight would take place and the enemy be thrown out. But almost instantly a cry of alarm would come from some other part of the village-wall; and the Three would have to rush off and do the same thing all over again.

The whole monkey family had gone off to look for more cocoanuts, since those they had had were all eaten up. Just before starting out Mrs. Monkey had said: "Where is Mappo?" "Oh, he just went on ahead," said Bumpo, who had seen his brother scrambling down the tree toward the ground.

Mappo crouched down on the ground, trying to hide under a green bush of the jungle. In his paw he held the empty cocoanut shell with which he was going to play a trick on Bumpo or Jacko. The tiger was creeping, slowly, slowly along, on his soft, padded feet, just as your cat creeps after a bird. Mappo was too frightened to move. "Ah ha!" growled the tiger, away down deep in his throat.

"Did you see the tiger?" asked Mrs. Monkey. "No, but I heard the other monkeys calling out about him, so I was careful," said the papa monkey. "Are you all right here?" "Oh, yes. We saw him in time," spoke Mrs. Monkey. "Oh, papa, I can open a cocoanut!" cried Mappo. "So can I!" exclaimed Bumpo.