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She turned out to have some quite simple ailment which he quickly gave the remedy for. But this increased his popularity still more. And when he stepped into his canoe, the people all around us actually burst into tears. Some of the chieftains spoke to the Popsipetels as we pushed off.

What is the name of the village?" "Popsipetel," said Long Arrow. "That is the name also of the tribe. The word signifies in Indian tongue, The Men of The Moving Land. There are two tribes of Indians on the island: the Popsipetels at this end and the Bag-jagderags at the other." "Which is the larger of the two peoples?" "The Bag-jagderags, by far. Their city covers two square leagues.

"To-morrow," he said, shaking his fist towards the hills, "we will arrange the terms of peace and we will arrange them in the City of Bag-jagderag." His words were greeted with cheers of triumph from the admiring Popsipetels. The war was over. When he threw himself into that fight at Popsipetel, I saw the Doctor really angry for the first time in my life.

"I'm afraid you'll have hard work to get out of it now," said she "unless you're willing to put to sea again in one of their rickety canoes. You see you've been elected not merely the Chief of the Popsipetels; you're to be a king the King of the whole of Spidermonkey Island.

The Popsipetels were themselves no mean fighters; but the strength and weight of those three men of different lands and colors, standing close together, swinging their enormous war-clubs, was really a sight for the wonder and admiration of any one, Many weeks later when I was passing an Indian camp-fire at night I heard this song being sung.

Long Arrow had not come with us for he was as yet too weak from his wound. But the Doctor always clever at languages was already getting familiar with the Indian tongue. Besides, among the half-dozen Popsipetels who accompanied us to paddle the canoes, was one boy to whom we had taught a little English. He and the Doctor between them managed to make themselves understood to the Bag-jagderags.

However, rather than lose you altogether, the Bag-jagderags were willing to give up their independence, and insisted that they and their lands be united to the Popsipetels in order that you could be made king of both. So now you're in for it." "Oh Lord!" groaned the Doctor, "I do wish they wouldn't be so enthusiastic! Bother it, I don't WANT to be a king!"

This was, the Doctor said, on account of the echoes which played backwards and forwards between the high walls of rock. Our guides told us that it was here, in days long gone by when the Popsipetels owned the whole of Spidermonkey Island, that the kings were crowned. The ivory chair upon the table was the throne in which they sat.

If it were not that they are a much bigger tribe and hope to defeat their neighbor by sheer force of numbers, they would not have dared to make open war upon the brave Popsipetels." When we reached the village we found it in a great state of excitement. Everywhere men were seen putting their bows in order, sharpening spears, grinding battle-axes and making arrows by the hundred.

But his anger, once aroused, was slow to die. All the way down the coast of the island he never ceased to rail against this cowardly people who had attacked his friends, the Popsipetels, for no other reason but to rob them of their corn, because they were too idle to till the land themselves. And he was still angry when he reached the City of Bag-jagderag.