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In her own way she had been doing him a kindness, and as for her temper, well, she couldn't help it. He would go to Dulwich and see the bow-wows. Commercially he was doing well. Quodling and Son were more than satisfied with him. Excellent prospects lay ahead, and this time it would assuredly be his own fault if he had not secured the permanency so much desired for him by Mrs. Clover.

Wants things for an at 'ome teaspoons as well couldn't I make it ninepence the two dozen! That's the kind of place where there'll be breakages. But they pay well, the breakages do." "Well, I won't keep you now," said Gammon. "I'm going to have a peep at the bow-wows. Could I look in after closing?" Mrs. Clover turned her head away, pretending to observe the muscular youth within.

He and his bay cob were very much on the same footing; granted but a method of communication and they would have understood each other. Even so with his "bow-wows," as he called them.

Each pup selects his own spot for his bed, which he arranges to his liking, and if plenty of straw be given, he will burrow under it in very cold weather and thus keep himself warm. There is certain to be one pup which we like best, but no favouritism should be shown outwardly, as it breeds envy, hatred and malice, and all bow-wows are afflicted with jealousy.

Rathbone seated himself and nodded. "Mr. Tollman knows every move this feller's made. You gotta give him time. A guy that think's he's got a broken heart don't start right in on the gay life." "Why don't he?" inquired Mr. Hagan with a more cynical philosophy. "I've always heard that when a man thinks the world's gone to the bow-wows he's just about ripe to cut loose.

You receive ten to twelve francs a day for making shells and we poor devils get five sous a day for stopping them!" Recruiting Rat-Catchers In other words, he is spending his time endeavouring to persuade suitable bow-wows to enlist in the service of their country.

Would she see him the day after to-morrow, Sunday, if he strolled along Shaftesbury Avenue at ten a.m.? It would greatly delight him, and perhaps she might be persuaded to take a little jaunt to Dulwich and look at his bow-wows. There was time enough for Polly to reply to this invitation, but reply she did not.

If they are not, they must first be demolished, before they are rebuilt. The limited mortal mind is always terribly afraid of a change. Not one single improvement has ever been suggested, from mechanics to morals, that has not been met with that ever-ready fear-thought, that the whole universe is going to the eternal bow-wows, if the slightest change in established institutions is made.

A man had just accosted the street urchin, and the man was no other than Montparnasse in disguise, with blue spectacles, but recognizable to Gavroche. "The bow-wows!" went on Gavroche, "you've got a hide the color of a linseed plaster, and blue specs like a doctor. You're putting on style, 'pon my word!" "Hush!" ejaculated Montparnasse, "not so loud."

The hypochondriac conceives that everything is going to the "demnition bow-wows." Nothing can reassure him. He sees in every article of diet a hidden fiend of dyspepsia; in every drink a demon of torture. Every man he meets is a scoundrel, and every woman a leech. Children are growing worse daily, and society is "rotten."