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"Dat it ish, miss," he said; "but I vorks pretty hard mineself, and my son Shakey, he gifs me von leetle lift ven he ton't pees too much in school." "Do you live here?" asked little Grace. "Here in dis garten? no, miss; I lifs oud boud t'ree mile in de country." "That's a long walk for you, isn't it?" said Lulu.

We were visited this Afternoon in a Canoe 4 feet 2 I. wide by De-lash-hel-wilt a Chinnook Chief his wife and Six women of his Nation, which the Old Boud his wife had brought for Market. this was the Same party which had communicated the venereal to Several of our party in November last, and of which.they have finally recovered.

De ma'rige cer'mony in de days ob slavery wuz by de man en 'oman jumpin' ovuh a broom handle tergedder." "I don' member much 'boud de Ku Klux Klan, but I does member seein' dem parade one time in Nashville." "I members dat de northern soldier's ban' would play Union Ferever, Rally 'roun de Flag, en Down Wid de Traitors en up Wid de Sta's en Stripes."

Bad luck sign wuz a black kat crossin' yo' path in frunt ob yer. Ter ke'p frum havin' de bad luck yo' back up pas' whar hit crossed yer path en den spit an' yer hab no bad luck." "Dem air ships luk nice but dey ez spoke 'boud in de Holy Bible, dat sum day dere wud be flyin' things in de air'h an' I think dat dese things am it.

He started, then turned again toward her, dumb for an instant, and said: "And God reward you! You believe in me, and you do not even know me." Her eyes became wilder still as she looked up into his face with the words: "Mais, I does know you betteh'n you know annyt'in' boud it!" and turned away, blushing violently. Frowenfeld gave a start. She had given him too much light.

"Eh, Men, dad was h-only de poli-i-idenez. Wad 'e said?" "E said I din knowed 'im 'tall." "An' you," exclaimed Aurora, "it is nod pozzyble dad you " "I tole 'im I know 'im bette'n 'e know annyt'in' 'boud id!" The speaker dropped her face into her mother's lap. "Ha, ha!" laughed Aurora, "an' wad of dad? I would say dad, me, fo' time' a day.