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It certainly did not seem to come amiss to Robert, who grew quite jovial as he scraped the basin, and commiserated "owd Martin Tyrer, yon," with genuine sympathy. "Poor owd lad! To think of his being laid up just when Club Day cooms! Eh, he will be takken to. Ye mind how he allus got agate o' boastin' about bein' th' owdest member o' th' Club? an' he nobbut seventy!

Aye, the Scott'll be a close fisted, hard man a strang man, tae, an' one for ye to fear if you're his enemy, but to respect withal, and to trust. Ye ken whaur the man stands who deals wi' his love and his friends and his siller as does the Scot. And ne'er think ye can fash him by callin' him mean. Wull it sound as if I were boastin' if I talk o' what Scots did i' the war?

He's always talkin' of hisself, an' praisin' hisself, an' boastin' of hisself an' what he's done and agoin' to do.

"'Abednego, sais I, 'we want somethin' besides boastin' and talkin' big; we want a dash a great stroke of policy. Washington hanging Andre that time, gained more than a battle. Jackson by hanging Arbuthnot and Anbristher, gained his election. M'Kennie for havin' hanged them three citizens will be made an admiral of yet, see if he don't.

I used to boast that I hadn't got none once, but the Arabs know how to take the boastin' out of a fellow. If they'd only take me out to be hanged right off an' done with it, I wouldn't mind it so much, but it's the constant tenter-hooks of uncertainty that floors me. Hows'ever, I ain't quite floored yet. But let's hear about yourself, Miles. Come, sit down.

"Henry," he said, "you're shorely the wild catamount o' the mountains." "Why?" "Well, I'm somethin' o' a scout an' trailer, ez you know, an' that ain't no boastin'. I've been hangin' 'roun' the Injun camp, an' they're terrible stirred up. An evil sperrit has been doin' 'em a power o' harm an' I know that evil sperrit is you.

"'Abednego, sais I, 'we want somethin' besides boastin' and talkin' big; we want a dash a great stroke of policy. Washington hanging Andre that time, gained more than a battle. Jackson by hanging Arbuthnot and Anbristher, gained his election. M'Kennie for havin' hanged them three citizens will be made an admiral of yet, see if he don't.

By Japurs," said he, in a side voice to the rest, "the fellow wasn't boastin' at all; it's true enough I'll uould goold he was right, and that we'll find her inside with him." "When I see it, I'll believe it," said Irwin, but not till then. Open, sir," said he, "open, if all's right."

'He swears there isn't a man shall come within a field of him. 'Indeed, observed Tom, with a twinkle of his little bright eyes. 'I tell you what, Tom, observed Mr. Waffles, 'we must sarve him out, somehow. 'Oh! he'll sarve hissel' out, in all probability, replied Tom; carelessly adding, 'these boastin' chaps always do. 'Couldn't we contrive something, asked Mr. Waffles, 'to draw him out?

"And that time when you led a storming party against the fort in South America, and was the only one left o' the party, and fought your way all alone in through the breach till the troops came up and carried you on with a rush, and and was all about that untrue?" "Not a bit of it, Billie, though I wouldn't have you think I was boastin' about it.