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"I would rather prosecute that Blackguard Rimon-a-hattha," said a man, whose head was awfully swollen, and bound up with a handkerchief, "Rimon, Captain, is the greatest rascal of the two he is, by, Japurs." "Yes, but is he not an idiot, Johnston? In point of law he is only a fiction, and cannot be prosecuted." "Fiction, Captain!

By Japurs," said he, in a side voice to the rest, "the fellow wasn't boastin' at all; it's true enough I'll uould goold he was right, and that we'll find her inside with him." "When I see it, I'll believe it," said Irwin, but not till then. Open, sir," said he, "open, if all's right."

They approached the hall-door, with the exception of six, who stood guarding the front windows of the dwelling-house and kitchen; and, to the Dandy's astonishment, the whole party, amounting to about eighteen, entered the house without either noise or obstruction of any kind. "By Japurs," thought he to himself, "there's thraichery there, any how."

I say now, what I didn't wish to say to-night afore, by Japurs, you're worth five men; an' I'll tell you all, boys, you must meet the Rouser here to-morrow night, an' we'll have a dhrink at my cost; an', boys Rouser, hear me you all know your oaths; we'll do something to-morrow night an' I say again, Rouser, I'll be wid yez an' among yez; an' to prove my opinion of the Rouser, I'll allow him to head us."

"Stags!" replied Rouser Redhead, whose face had already become scarlet with indignation. "Stags, you say, Bartle Flanagan! Arrah, boys, I wondher where is poor Connor O'Donovan by this time?" "I suppose bushin' it afore now," said our friend of the preceding part of the night. "I bushed it myself for a year and a half, but be Japurs I got sick of it.