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In fact, the Bulgarians could gain the wish of their hearts only on one condition that of proclaiming the Emperor Alexander Grand Duke of the greater State of the future . This work is named by M. Malet in his Bibliographie on the Eastern Question on p. 448, vol. ix., of the Histoire Générale of MM. Lavisse and Rambaud.

Netherlandish sources for the Hundred Years' War are summarised in PIRENNE'S Bibliographie de l'Histoire de Belgique . Of special importance is JAN VAN KLERK'S Van den Derden Edewaert Rym Kronyk. , useful for 1337-1341, and written with an English bias. The unofficial legal literature of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries is of exceptional variety and value.

"BIBLIOGRAPHIE INSTRUCTIVE; OU, TRAITÉ DE LA CONNAISSANCE DES LIVRES RARES ET SINGULIERS; contenant un catalogue raisonné de la plus grande partie de ces livres précieux, qui ont paru successivement dans la république des lettres, depuis l'invention de l'imprimerie jusqu'

All this is told with marvellous effect in the first part of the Souvenirs, which ends with a wail and a sob. It is stated in the Bibliographie Generale de l'Agenais, that Palissy was born in the district of Agen, perhaps at La Chapelle Biron, and that, being a Huguenot, he was imprisoned in the Bastille at Paris, and died there in 1590, shortly after the massacre of St. Bartholomew.

"What we must hope for is a liberty that may have full power for good, but not for evil." Avec une Introduction Historique sur les Origines du Journal et la Bibliographie Générale des Journaux, depuis leur Origine. Par Eugène Hatin.

In his Memoires pour la Biographie et la Bibliographie de l'ile de Cadix, Don Francisco de Miton, Marquis de Meritos, relates that he corresponded with Haydn and ordered this composition which was to be performed at the Cathedral in Cadiz.