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Ba'teese, he was so excite' when he hear you come. He have good news!" "About what?" "The railroad. They are near' through with the tunnel. Now they shall start upon the main road to Salt Lake. And they shall need timbers beaucoup! Ties and beams and materials! They have ask for bids. Ah, oui. Eet is, what-you-say, the swollen chance! M'sieu Houston shall bid lower than " "How, Ba'tiste?"

Chapter iii. 9. Si celuy qui se trouuera beaucoup plus avancé en âge, ou auantagé en dignité, soit en sa maison ou en quelqu'autre lieu, veut honorer son inferieur, comme il n'est pas

"Un evenement bien triste decide mesdemoiselles vas filles a retourner brusquement en Angleterre, ce depart qui nous afflige beaucoup a cependant ma complete approbation; il est bien naturel qu'elles cherchent a vous consoler de ce que le ciel vient de vous oter, on se serrant autour de vous, poui mieux vous faire apprecier ce que le ciel vous a donne et ce qu'il vous laisse encore.

"In the N. regiment the society of the officers is a thousand times worse than it is here," he continued. "I hope that it is saying a good deal; J'ESPERE QUE C'EST BEAUCOUP DIRE; that is, you cannot imagine what it is. I am not speaking of the yunkers and the soldiers. That is horrible, it is so bad.

"Why, sir, you said just now that he was un chien de beaucoup de sentiment: if he is so, he will accept and properly appreciate my apology." "Ah, sare," replied the Frenchman, relaxing the stern wrinkles of his brow, "c'est bien dit; you will make de apology to de dog. Sans doute, he is de principal, I am only de second. C'est une affaire arrangee. Monsieur est tres fache de t'avoir brule le nez.

While Constanze was at Baden, Mozart was getting deeper and deeper into financial hot water, but his letters betrayed great anxiety that she should not be worried, especially as she was about to become a mother again. J'attend avec beaucoup d'impatience une lettre que m'apprendra comme vous avez passé le jour d'hier; je tremble quand je pense au baigne de St.

"Le marmot n'a rien, nest-ce pas?" said she, indicating Georgette with a jerk of her chin. "Pas beaucoup," was the answer, as the doctor hastily scribbled with his pencil some harmless prescription. "Eh bien!" pursued Rosine, approaching him quite near, while he put up his pencil. "And the box did you get it? Monsieur went off like a coup-de-vent the other night; I had not time to ask him."

As the spirit of aggrandizement, which is said to have actuated the public and private conduct of Monsieur T has been so much talked of, it may, perhaps, excite some surprise, when it is mentioned that several persons who know him well, some of whom esteem him, and with some of whom he is not a favourite, declare, notwithstanding the anecdotes related of X Y, and Monsieur Beaucoup d'Argent, in the american prints, that they consider him to be a man, whose mind is raised above the influence of corruption.

He will only give you what love he can spare from himself, for he is his own most cherished treasure. And it will be as, a few hours later, you whisper to yourself, pulling the petals from a white daisy "un peu beaucoup point du tout:" a little yesterday, intense to-day, and none at all to-morrow. Constance and Kent saw a good deal of each other during her visit to Westminster.

Because I know how to govern my tongue; never call people hard names. Ma foi, il y a beaucoup de difference entre moi et ce sacre de Dante. Under this old man, who was well versed in the southern languages, besides studying French and Italian, I acquired some knowledge of Spanish. But I did not devote my time entirely to philology; I had other pursuits.