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Joe generally had to get his revenges wreaked by deputy; and now, as he darted away, his intention was to find the pólis somewhere, and bring them to take up "that great bastely murdherin' divil, Hugh McInerney," and if by any means possible get him hung.

"Well, I own that it has been smarting a good deal the last few days," O'Grady admitted, reluctantly, "though I have not said as much to the doctor. I don't know that you are not about right, Terence; but faith, after being kept upon bastely slops by O'Flaherty, it was not in human nature to drink nothing but water when one gets a chance.

A good glass of wine after a good dinner is no bad thing, but after such a meal as we have eaten I think that even this bastely spirit of theirs which, after all, is not so bad when you get accustomed to it is better than wine; it settles matters a bit." Terence poured some of the spirit from a jug into his tin and filled it up with water.

Captain Conkerall is to be tried by a court-martial for gettin' bastely drunk and goin' abroad with no garment but his shirt, and a sheet with a hole in it." Terrence laughed until the tears trickled down his cheeks.

"That is the alarm, sure enough!" the colonel exclaimed. "Be off at once, gentlemen, and get the men up and under arms." "I must be off to the general's quarters!" Terence exclaimed, hastily putting on his greatcoat again. "The divil fly away with them," O'Grady grumbled, as he hastily finished the glass before him; "sorrow a bit of peace can I get at all, at all, in this bastely country."

"Sorra a drop of whisky is there in the camp, and now we sha'n't be able to have even a drink of their bastely spirits, onless we can buy it at the towns; and as Anstruther's division has gone on ahead of us, it is likely that every drop has been drunk up." "It will be all the better for you, O'Grady. Daly tells me that your arm is not fully healed yet.

I am willing enough, but me tongue isn't; and I am afraid that, were it a necessity that every officer in your corps should speak the bastely language, I should have to stay at home." "I am afraid that it is quite necessary, O'Grady," Terence laughed. "An adjutant who could not make himself understood would be of no shadow of use.

The others have had two hours of steady fighting, clambering up the hill, and banging away at the enemy, and shouting and cheering, and all sorts of fun; and there were we, tramping along among those bastely stones and rocks, and no one as much as took the trouble to fire a shot at us!"

No one could tell how it happened; but the supports were all cut save two or three, which the swaying of the hammock gradually loosened until, just as the officer went to "change sides," down he came with a frightful splash head first into the tub. Terrence, who was near, ran to his rescue and quickly pulled him out. "It's bastely carelessness to lave the water there," cried Terrence.

"Monsieur," said the Countess, her eyes flashing as she spoke, "vous êtes un polisson! von rascal! von dem villain! un charlatan! von nasty bastely ross bif! dem dog!" and thereupon she curled her fingers and set her teeth on edge as though she would tear his very eyes out.