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She is aunt of that polisson of a Castlewood, who never pays his play-debts, unless he is more honourable in his dealings with you than he has been with me. Mr. W. is de bonne race. We must have him of our society, if it be only that I may win my money back from him. "He has had the devil's luck here, and has been winning everything, whilst his old card-playing beldam of an aunt has been losing.

"Le Polisson, of Brest sixteen light guns, and about a hundred men." "Do you know anything of the ships to windward?" "Nothing, at all; but I suppose them to be French." "Pray, sir, why do you sup um um ook ook " The distance prevented my hearing more. Away went the sloop, steadying her bow-lines; the call piping belay, as each sail was trimmed to the officer of the deck's fancy.

You are safe; Nay, more, almost triumphant. Listen, then, And hear my words of truth. Marino Falierlo. It was just four o'clock, P.M., when the Dawn and the Polisson parted company; the former steering on her old course for Brest, while the latter continued her cruise.

I believe you're little better than a polisson, Colonel Altamont, that was the phrase he used Altamont said with a grin and I got plenty more of this language from the two fellows, and was in the thick of the row with them, when another of our party came in. This was a friend of mine a gent I had met at Boulogne, and had taken to the Countess's myself.

"Ah! qu'il est heureux. Et Cupidon ou est-il?" "Il est ici au coin, madame. Il boude." "Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait donc?" "Ah, madame! Il a vole le dindon roti, et l'a tout mange." "Ah, le petit polisson! Venez ici, Cupidon."

The Polisson was flying away on the crests of the seas, close-hauled, evidently disposed to make a lee behind the two frigates to windward, which we took for, and which it is probable she knew to be, French.

A benevolent desire to launch far and wide the already well-spread reputation of the New York rowdy impels the present writer to declare his conviction, that, should Physiology offer a premium for the production of a perfect and unmitigated specimen of polisson, Experience would seek for it among the choice representatives of the class in question, ay, and find it, too.

As for the account I meant to give to the party to whom I intended to apply, it would depend on circumstances. If the French remained on the spot, I could relate the affair with the prize-crew of the Speedy; if the English, that of the Polisson. In neither case would an untruth be told, though certain collateral facts might be, and probably would have been, suppressed.

He might be just silly enough to call so early; or it might have been from that polisson of a Grandissime, which one didn't matter, they were all detestable, coming to collect the rent. That was her original fear; or, worse still, it might have been, had it been softer, the knock of some possible lady visitor.

I looked into it; no name, but the same coat-of-arms as the glove and the handkerchief. To-night as he played I examined his hands; they are peculiar, and some of the peculiarities have left traces on the glove. I am sure it is he, for on looking back many things confirm the idea. He says he is a polisson, a rogue, fond of jokes, and clever at playing them.