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Besides the time we lose by postponing our settlement, I have a matter of great importance to us both to communicate to you, that has no connexion with our studying, and which makes it necessary for me to see you immediately. Poor Mr. Stockton is incurable. He cannot survive the summer. Yours, Baskenridge, June 27th, 1786.

I am much disappointed in receiving a small sum to pay my debts in town. I sold two thousand dollars in certificates to Mr. Duer just before he left town, and he gave me an order upon a lady for the money. I find she will not be able to pay it for some time hence, and I am so pressed for cash that I have written to Duer, at Baskenridge, for the certificates or money immediately.

Present my most respectful compliments to Mrs. Prevost and the family, and also the ladies on the hill. Miss Susan Governor Livingston desires her compliments to you and the two families. So do Susan and Eliza Baskenridge. Yours affectionately, Weathersfield, 7th July, 1780.

Besides the time we lose by postponing our settlement, I have a matter of great importance to us both to communicate to you, that has no connexion with our studying, and which makes it necessary for me to see you immediately. Poor Mr. Stockton is incurable. He cannot survive the summer. Yours, Baskenridge, June 27th, 1786.

Present my most respectful compliments to Mrs. Prevost and the family, and also the ladies on the hill. Miss Susan Governor Livingston desires her compliments to you and the two families. So do Susan and Eliza Baskenridge. Yours affectionately, Weathersfield, 7th July, 1780.

I am much disappointed in receiving a small sum to pay my debts in town. I sold two thousand dollars in certificates to Mr. Duer just before he left town, and he gave me an order upon a lady for the money. I find she will not be able to pay it for some time hence, and I am so pressed for cash that I have written to Duer, at Baskenridge, for the certificates or money immediately.