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As the rowboat turned this point the boys were surprised to see a small motor craft shoot out from the boathouse. "Look at that!" exclaimed Bert. "I didn't know there was one of those gasolene jiggers on the lake." "Me either," added Tom. "Must be a new one. Wonder who's in it?" "Must be somebody from the Stockton house," said Vincent; "though I didn't know anybody was living there now."

Thus the Stockton and Darlington Company made a larger profit when running coal at low speeds at a halfpenny a ton per mile, than they have been able to do since they put on their fast passenger trains, when everything must needs be run faster, and a much larger proportion of the gross receipts is absorbed by working expenses.” In advocating these views, Mr.

After the cloth was removed, the usual number of regular toasts, prepared by the committee of arrangements, and numerous volunteer sentiments by the members of the company, were drunk with many demonstrations of enthusiasm, and several speeches were made. In response to a complimentary toast, Commodore Stockton made an eloquent address of an hour's length.

All my friends are against my studying in Connecticut, for the reason mentioned in my last; and they all recommend Stockton to me. I am therefore determined to study with him. I am very much afraid that Princeton will be disagreeable to you on many accounts, and particularly on account of the number of acquaintances you have in and near it.

A piece of land was accordingly purchased in Forth Street, in August, 1823, on which a small building was erectedthe nucleus of the gigantic establishment which was afterwards formed around it; and active operations were begun early in 1824. While the Stockton and Darlington Railway works were in progress, our engineer had many interesting discussions with Mr.

By the last of August the cholera had so abated that it was deemed safe to start. The disease did not break out again on the way to California, and we reached San Francisco early in September. San Francisco at that day was a lively place. Gold, or placer digging as it was called, was at its height. Steamers plied daily between San Francisco and both Stockton and Sacramento.

Maybe he was playing for time, and did not want them to get alarmed and escape before the officers came. "Why did he run off?" asked Stockton. "Because I meant to send him home, and he didn't want to go. He's crazy to camp out, to hunt and ride." "If that's true, Leslie, there's been no word sent to Washington." "How could there be?" "Well, I've got to hold you anyway till we see Buell.

Some of the largest grain ranches are along the tule lands around Stockton. These were marshes once, but have been drained, and now are choice grain fields. Wheat was first sent out of the state to England as ballast for returning ships, but the trade gradually increased until there are now over one hundred of the finest sailing vessels engaged in it.

Stockton, seven senators and thirty-one members of the Assembly forwarded to the Senate of the United States a protest against his admission, for the reason that he was not elected by a majority of the votes of the joint meeting of the Legislature.

Sometimes dealing with Francis reminded her of a Frank Stockton fairy-tale in her childhood, where some monarch or other went out walking with a Sphinx, and found himself obliged to reply "Give it up!" to every remark of the lady's, in order not to be eaten.