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Here Tom, the youngest-born before described, put his mouth to his mother's ear, and whispered loud enough to be heard by all: "He runs arter the coach 'cause he thinks his ma may be in it. Who's home-sick, I should like to know? Ba! Baa!" The boy pointed his finger over his mother's shoulder, and the other children burst into a loud giggle. "Leave the room, all of you, leave the room!" said Mr.

With me it's six and a half years day after to-morrow, Easter Day, since I asked myself that question first." "Even my Irving says to me to-night up in the room; jumping up and down on the hearth like he had four legs " "I heard him, Mrs. Katz, on my ceiling like he had eight legs." "'Mamma, he says, 'guess why I feel like saying "Baa."" "Saying what?" "Sheep talk, Mrs. Finshriber.

"That Pilot of ours," he declared, "runs a little to the narrow gauge, but in that last round up he was telling us about last Sunday there won't be the goat run for him. It's him for the baa baas, sure enough." And though in the vernacular the corporal's words did not sound quite reverent, it was agreed that they expressed in an entirely satisfactory manner the general opinion of the battalion.

"All I'll have to do is to stand up on the roof and call grandfather. Just watch me do it." So he stood up and called, "Grandfather! Grandfather! Grandfather!" till he was tired; but no grandfather answered. Then the twins called, "Grandfather! Grandmother!" "Baa," said the sheep, as if beginning to think that somebody ought to answer all that calling. Then they all called together: "Grandfather!

Baa!" sounded from up the road, and presently along came a large flock of sheep followed by one of Count Pierre's shepherds, who, without saying a word to any one, skilfully guided them into the Viaud sheepfold, and there safely penned them in; then, still without a word, he turned about and went off in the direction of the castle.

Lying in the cart placidly, not bound and not in the least frightened, was the dazzlingly-white lamb, decked like the ewe with knots of ribbon and wearing about its neck a red collar brilliant to behold. Now and then the ewe would turn to look at it, and in response to one of those wistful maternal glances the little creature stood up shakily on its unduly long legs and gave an anxious baa!

The individual 'baa' of each lamb was so mixed, as it were, with the bleat of its fellow that the swelling sound took a strange, mysterious tone; a voice that seemed to speak of trouble, and perplexity, and anxiety for rest.

"I should be delighted to hear them," said the Wax Doll, who seemed to have taken quite a liking to the Calico Clown. "Baa! Baa!" suddenly called a voice from another shelf. "I have had adventures also. After you finish telling about how you burned your trousers, Mr. Clown, I'll tell how I was once down in a coal hole." "Who is that?" asked the Plush Bear in a low tone of the Jumping Jack.

He replies, such and such regiment. And then to hear some fellow ask, "Why ain't you with them, then, you cowardly puppy? Take off that coat and those chicken guts; coo, sheep; baa, baa, black sheep; flicker, flicker; ain't you ashamed of yourself? flicker, flicker; I've got a notion to take my gun and kill him," etc. Every word of this is true; it actually happened.

And these toy woolly sheep will do as well as any; won't they, Little Bo Peep?" "Oh, yes, they will; thank you very much, Uncle Wiggily," answered Bo Peep, making a pretty little bow. Then the rabbit gentleman bought her ten little toy, woolly sheep, each one with a tail which Bo Peep could wag for them, and one toy lamb went: "Baa! Baa!