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For my own part," he continued, "I'd rather that ve should try our luck among some of the farmers or gentry about here; although I'm certain they're purty vide avake seem as vot's afoot just now."

His audience, however, were not given time to recover their senses, before a striking-looking individual, adorned with tartan trews and a feathered hat, in whom all were pleased to recognize Count Bunker, whispered briefly in his lordship's ear, and like a river in spate he foamed on: "Donald and Ronald Avake from your slumbers! Maiden so lovely, Smile mit your bright eyes! Ze heather is blooming!

Carl staggered sleepily to the door and unlocked it. "Where is your prisoner?" asked Ted, stalking into the room, and looking at the open window. "My vat? Ach, Gott in himmel, vat haf I dided? I am schoost coming avake. He iss gone! I haf slept on vatch. I am foreffer disgraced. Kill me, Ted! I haf no appetite to live any more alretty," cried Carl.

You vant me to come an' fetch you?? You vant anodder schmack on de maul to keep you avake yes?" He stamped into view round the forward house, while Conroy stood, convicted of idleness by the rope in his hand only half cut through. At the same moment a population of faces came into being behind him.

'A pianner-forty, Samivel, rejoined Mr. Weller, in a still more mysterious manner, 'as he can have on hire; vun as von't play, Sammy. 'And wot 'ud be the good o' that? said Sam. 'Let him send to my friend, the cabinet-maker, to fetch it back, Sammy, replied Mr. Weller. 'Are you avake, now? 'No, rejoined Sam. 'There ain't no vurks in it, whispered his father.

"But it is exactly like Lord Byron's!" shrieked Pinchas. "Mein Gott! All night I lie avake vaiting for the post. At eight o'clock the post comes but The Flag of Judah she vaves not! I rush round here and now my beautiful poem vill not appear." He seized the sheet again, then cried fiercely: "You have a tale, 'The Waters of Babylon, by Ebenezer the fool-boy, but my poesie have you not.

"The reason I'm putting you on the first watch is because you're such a sleepyhead." "Don'd vorry aboud me," said Carl, with a yawn. "I pet you I vas der sleepinglessness feller in der whole bunch. If he gets avay on my vatch it vill not be pecause I don'd sleep." "I guess you mean all right, but I swear I can't understand you. Only keep awake." "Oh, yah; I avake keeping all der time."