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Une grande quantité de Bretons se laissèrent conduire en Syrie par ce Moine; et, en 1218, plusieurs Seigneurs Bretons suivirent leur exemple, entre autres, Hervé de Léon, Morvau, Vicomte du Fou, et le Sire de Clisson".

"You try your way; I will try mine," said Giessler, "and we will see who lives the longer at any rate, the survivor will. The survivor must also publish an account of his system, pour encourageur les autres." As we were of the same age, equally sound in constitution and strong in physique, and not greatly dissimilar in temperament, I accepted the challenge. The competition is still going on.

But in Fouquet, the waster, the lover of good cheer and wit and art, the swift transactor of much business, "L'HOMME DE BRUIT, L'HOMME DE PLAISIR, L'HOMME QUI N'EST QUE PARCEQUE LES AUTRES SONT," Dumas saw something of himself and drew the figure the more tenderly.

I have told you perhaps that a nephew of Lord Chedworth's, the heir of his title and estate, got into the same scrape at Epsom as Onslow did at the Exhibition; ceci prouve la force d'une passion qui est hors de la nature; les autres ont leurs bornes, et de la discretion jusqu'a un certain point.

Twenty years difference in age turns many an elegance into a barbarism; many a virtue into a vice-versa. I do not perform at breakfast for the edification of my offspring upon the mustache cup, but I chew my strawberry seeds, which they claim is worse. And now my daughters, who smoke cigarettes, object loudly to my pipe smoke! Autre temps autres manières. And no man is a hero to his children.

On Candide's arrival in Portsmouth Harbour he found that an English admiral had just been solemnly shot, in the sight of the whole fleet, for having failed to kill as many Frenchmen as with better judgment he might have killed. "Dans ce pays-ci il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres."

On reading "Ordered South," I saw, at once, that here was a new writer, a writer indeed; one who could do what none of us, nous autres, could rival, or approach. I was instantly "sealed of the Tribe of Louis," an admirer, a devotee, a fanatic, if you please. At least my taste has never altered.

Some beautiful lines that are cited by Lady Blennerhassett very faithfully express the spirit of her belief: 'Il faut avoir soin, si l'on peut, que le déclin de cette vie soit la jeunesse de l'autre. Se désintéresser de soi, sans cesser de s'intéresser aux autres, met quelque chose de divin dans l'âme.

"Let Lobau take ten thousand, with the Cuirassiers of the Young Guard, and hold the Prussians in check." "Maintenant, pour les autres," this he said with a smile, as he turned his eyes once more towards the field of battle. The aide-de-camp of Marshal Ney, who, bare-headed and expectant, sat waiting for orders, presented himself to view.

Mais Celluy qui n'abandonne jamais les siens, et qui, au desespoir des autres, monstre sa puissance, ne permist que la vertu qu'il avoit myse en ceste femme fust ignoree des hommes, mais voulut qu'elle fust congneue a sa gloire; et fiet que, au bout de quelque temps, un des navires de ceste armee passant devant ceste isle, les gens qui estoient dedans adviserent, quelque fumee qui leur feit souvenir de ceulx qui y avoient este laissez, et delibererent d'aller veoir ce que Dieu en avoit faict.