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"I left the explaining for him." Gus smiled meditatively. "First we knew that you an' him had been fightin' was when he wrote us a letter sayin' he was doin' great an' could see out of one eye." Then, more gravely: "It was worryin' over Buddy's affair that got Ma to ailin'. She 'ain't been right well since. Say, wha'd you do with that woman?"

"Zadkiel he's been kinder ailin like fer a spell back, an his wife, she says ez haow he can't live a month daown tew the jail, an wen Iry tuk Zadkiel orf, she tuk on reel bad. I declare for't, it seemed kinder tough."

"One mornin' when about forty of us niggers had reported sick, de Mahster came down to de qua'ters. 'Whut ailin' ye' lazy neggers? he asked. Dem niggers los' about fifty pounds of weight apiece, and didn' feel like doin' anything. 'Mahster, I say.

"Abner tried his dumdest to find that out," said Grandma Baker. "He was the plaguedest man ever was for wantin' to know things, but somehow I sort o' didn't want him changed any. You got ways put me mightily in mind o' Abner." The old eyes were very sweet, and a wintry rose crept into her withered cheek. She added: "I know what's ailin' you, young man!

He pushed by her roughly, but she held on to his sleeve. "It must wait. Listen to me." "I won't." "You shall. He's dead." "Dead!" He reeled back to the table and poured out another glassful with a shaking hand. 'Lizabeth noticed that this time he added no water. "He died to-night," she explained; "but he's been ailin' for a year past, an' took to his bed back in October."

He endeavoured to discuss the matter with his wife, but Puss Poteet was not the woman to commit herself. She was a Mountain Sphinx. "I'm afeard Sis is ailin'," said Teague, upon one occasion. "Well," replied Puss, "she ain't complainin'." "That's hit," Teague persisted; "she hain't complainin'. That's what pesters me.

Lee's gaze followed him and slowly the eyes under the beetled brows softened. "Mebbe I done wrong, honey. Mebbe I'd ought to have given in. I'm too proud to compromise when he's got me beat. That's what's ailin' with me. But I reckon I'd better have knuckled under." The girl slipped her arm through his. "Sometimes I'm just like that too, daddy. I've just got to win before I make up.

"How's the only original high and mighty patriot this afternoon?" he sneered. The Winslow hand caressed the Winslow chin. "If you mean me, Phin," drawled Jed, "I'm able to sit up and take nourishment, thank you. I judge you must be kind of ailin', though. Take a seat, won't you?" "No, I won't. I've got other fish to fry, bigger fish than you, at that" "Um-hm.

"I want t' go inter the camps an' sell a leetle jag o' truck," the native explained, as he drenched the surrounding weeds with tobacco-juice. "My ole woman's powerful sick an' ailin', an' I need some money awfully t' git her some quinine. Yarbs don't seem t' do her no sort o' good. She must have some Yankee quinine, and she's nigh dead fer some Yankee coffee. This war's mouty hard on po' people.

New Mexico has had a change of heart. Guns are going out, Meldrum, and little red schoolhouses are coming in. We've got to keep up with the fashions." "Hmp! Schoolhouses! I know what's ailin' you. Since Anse Rutherford's girl " "You're off the reservation, Dan," warned the rancher, and again his low voice had the sting of cactus thorns in it. Meldrum dropped that subject promptly.