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"How dare you speak to me like that!" cried Ralph, glad of some one on whom to vent the anger he felt. "Because Sir Morton, if he'd been here, would have had that young Eden tied neck and heels, and pitched into one of the cells. Because you're a coward, sir. There!" "Ah-h-ah!" growled the other men in chorus, as they glared at the lad.

"Ah-h-ah!" cried the captain fiercely, as he half drew his sword; but he drove it back with a loud clang into its sheath directly. "Stay there, brave blade, my only true and trusted friend. He is the son of my old companion-in-arms, and I cannot draw upon a boy."

Rah! rah! rah!" Rutgers "Rah, rah, rah! Bow-wow-wow! Rochester University "Waxico, waxico, waxico, wax! Waxico, waxico, waxico, wax! Brek-k-ks Brek-k-ks, ah-h-ah! University of Washington "U. of W.! Hiah! Hiah! U. of W.! U. of W.! Siah! Siah! Shooken' Shookem! Hobart College "Hip-ho-bart! Hip-ho-bart! Hip-ho, hip-ho, HIP-HO- BART!" Syracuse University "Srah Srah Srah Sy-ra-cuse!"

Whir-r-r-ur," and a blackbird flew out, dashing in the Captain's face; while, at the same time, another piercing screech came from Nellie "Ah-h-ah! Help!" The old sailor was so startled that he jumped back, his hat tumbling off into a bramble-bush. "Zounds!" he exclaimed. "What the dickens is that?" In a moment, however, he recovered himself.