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"Wall, then, see thet it hain't shooken up too much er gittin' mashed under the ax," were the parting words from Sary, as she shifted the short ax, which is an important item in every outfit. It was a wonderful summer day the kind that makes one feel happy in mere living, and the anticipation of wonders to come added a zest to the outing for the girls.

"Yes, that's it," Bruno assented. "Sylvie tells me the words, and then, when I jump about, they get shooken up in my head till they're all froth!" I expressed myself as perfectly satisfied with this explanation. "But aren't you going to pick me any dindledums, after all?" "Course we will!" cried Bruno. "Come along, Sylvie!"

Rah! rah! rah!" Rutgers "Rah, rah, rah! Bow-wow-wow! Rochester University "Waxico, waxico, waxico, wax! Waxico, waxico, waxico, wax! Brek-k-ks Brek-k-ks, ah-h-ah! University of Washington "U. of W.! Hiah! Hiah! U. of W.! U. of W.! Siah! Siah! Shooken' Shookem! Hobart College "Hip-ho-bart! Hip-ho-bart! Hip-ho, hip-ho, HIP-HO- BART!" Syracuse University "Srah Srah Srah Sy-ra-cuse!"

He turned his head and looked at her. 'I feel shooken up dreadful, he's so awful strong; but I'm not very hurt, only I'm sorry, and I've been telling my Captain about it, and asking Him to forgive me. 'Shall we stay here all the evening and all the night? 'Oh no! he'll come and let us go soon. It isn't fair on you, for you didn't do anything.

"Massa," asked Ebony, powerful surprise expressed in his sable visage, while Mark spooned large quantities of the ingredients referred to into an earthenware dish, "is dem powders to be took inside arter bein' well shooken, or rubbed outside?" "Whichever way you please, Ebony. Would you like to try?" "No thankee, massa."

Mead's dog hadn't hurt my kitten I thought he had shooken it to death, you know father looked awful solemn and said I must never say that again about a kitten. But I couldn't understand why, Mrs. Blythe. I felt awful thankful, and it must have been God that saved Stripey, because that Mead dog had 'normous jaws, and oh, how it shook poor Stripey. And so why couldn't I thank Him?