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But at this moment he remained indifferent, gazing with lack-lustre, staring eyes at this squat, dark-green bottle which, at other times, had brought before him images of the medieval priories by its old-fashioned monkish paunch, its head and neck covered with a parchment hood, its red wax stamp quartered with three silver mitres against a field of azure and fastened at the neck, like a papal bull, with bands of lead, its label inscribed in sonorous Latin, on paper that seemed to have yellowed with age: Liquor Monachorum Benedictinorum Abbatiae Fiscannensis.

Et sciatis vbi prope transitum illius habentur Christianae Abbatiae, quas olim constituit Dux Ogerus, exeunt obuiam illi in processione cum vexillis, et sancta cruce, et aqua benedicta, et thuribulo, hymnum, Veni Creator spiritus decantantes. Nota: Ego semel cum Episcopo nostro, et alijs fratribus, uimus obuiam per duas dietas, et portaui thuribulum. Odericus.

Inde transiri potest per mare in Indiam superiorem, sine maiorem, videlicet Imperium Presbyteri Ioannis ad portum ciuitatis Zarke, quae est elegans et bona satis. In ea habitant plurimi Catholicae fidei Christiani: et habentur plurimae Abbatiae religiosorum, quas olim Dux Danorum Ogerus constituit, vnde et vsque nunc dicuntur Ecclesiae Dani, atque ex hoc nauigari potest in terram Lombe.