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Of the excusatory causes of this concubinage some are real and some not, n. 471. The really excusatory causes are such as are grounded in what is just, n. 472, 473. The excusatory causes which are not real are such as are not grounded in what is just, although in the appearance of what is just, n. 474.

I.e., 'old age, the name given to some plant of magic power. . Lit., 'good. Utukku the name, it will be recalled, given to a class of demons. See p. 260. See p. 518. See above, p. 474. Haupt's edition, pp. 67, 12. Lit., 'thou hast seen it, I have seen it. Text defective. Jeremias conjectures "kneeling." Ekimmu, another name for a class of demons. See p. 260. Amer. Or.

Experiments made in Sweden show that, out of 575 plants, the goat eats 449, and refuses 126; the sheep, out of 528 plants, eats 387, and refuses 141; the cow, out of 494 plants, eats 276, and refuses 218; the horse, out of 474 plants, eats 262, and refuses 212; whilst the pig, out of 243 plants, eats 72, and refuses 171.

After an interregnum of eighteen months, in which Ricimer practically ruled, Anthemius was brought from Byzantium in April, 467, and continued till July, 472; but Anicius Olybrius again was brought from Byzantium, reigned for a few months in 472, and died of the plague in October. In 473, Glycerius was put up for emperor; in 474, he gave place to Nepos, the third brought from Byzantium.

The concept was on March 29 submitted to an Assembly of six hundred notables, summoned for the purpose, the voting to be 'for' or 'against' without discussion. The gathering took place in the Nieuwe Kerk at Amsterdam, Of the 474 who were present, 448 voted in favour of the new Constitution.

Venice possesses only inferior works from his hands; but No. 474 here the view of the Scuola of S. Marco is very fine. Canaletto had a nephew named Bernardo Bellotto, who to much of his uncle's skill brought a mellow richness all his own, and since he also took the name of Canaletto, confusion has resulted. He is represented in the Accademia; but Vienna is richest in his work.

Near the Guardia we find the southern limit of two European plants, now become extraordinarily common. The fennel in great profusion covers the ditch-banks in the neighbourhood of Buenos Ayres, Monte Video, and other towns. M. A. d'Orbigny volume 1 page 474, says that the cardoon and artichoke are both found wild. Dr.

It appeared to coincide with that of a dark line of iron in the solar spectrum, numbered 1,474 on Kirchhoff's scale. But in 1876 Young was able, by the use of greatly increased dispersion, to resolve the Fraunhofer line "1474" into a pair, the more refrangible member of which he considered to be the reversal of the green coronal ray.

Whilst the books of the Treasury show an actual expenditure of $59,848,474.72 for the year ending June 30, 1860, including $1,040,667.71 for the contingent expenses of Congress, there must be deducted from this amount the sum of $4,296,009.26, with the interest upon it of $150,000, appropriated by the act of February 15, 1860, "for the purpose of supplying the deficiency in the revenues and defraying the expenses of the Post-Office Department for the year ending June 30, 1859."

He perished upon the scaffold in 1621. Bassompierre, Mém. pp. 78, 79. François Paris de Lorraine, Chevalier de Guise. Le Vassor, vol. i. p. 139. Mém. du Duc de Rohan, book i. Vie de Du Plessis-Mornay, book iii. Le Vassor, vol. i. pp. 142-152. Mézeray, vol. xi. pp. 36-38. D'Estrées, Mém. pp. 294-298. Matthieu, Hist. des Derniers Troubles, book iii. pp. 473, 474.