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Half a year ago, just when the air of spring began to breathe into that dark, chill house, a distant kinsman of ours, who has long dwelt in Byzantium do you know Olybrius, the son of Probinus? 'I have heard his name. 'He came to me, as if from my father; but I soon discovered that he had another mission, his main purpose being to seek for Veranilda.

But the measures of the Byzantine court were so languid and irresolute, that many months elapsed after the death of Anthemius, and even of Olybrius, before their destined successor could show himself, with a respectable force, to his Italian subjects.

Agatha in Suburra, which had been ceded to the Arians, and which he had adorned. Olybrius made the Burgundian prince Gundebald commander of the forces, but died himself in October of that same year, 472, and left the throne to be the gift of barbarian adventurers. Three more shadows of emperors passed.

Gizeric then married Eudocia to Honoric, the elder of his sons; but the other of the two women, being the wife of Olybrius, a most distinguished man in the Roman senate, he sent to Byzantium together with her mother, Eudoxia, at the request of the emperor. Afterwards Gizeric devised the following scheme.

Eudoxia. | | | | | + Eudoxia, m. | | | 1, Palladius, son of MAXIMUS; | | | 2, Huneric, son of GENSERIC. | | | | | | | + Ideric | | | | | + Placidia | | m. OLYBRIUS | | | + Honoria | + Honorius | + Serena, | m. Stilicho | | | + Maria | + Thermantia The Huns belonged to one branch of the Scythian race. They had migrated in vast numbers from Central Asia.

Do you also believe it, my good Basil? For answer Basil embraced his friend, and kissed him on either cheek. 'I know how this has come about, he said; and thereupon related the story of the visit of Olybrius to Aurelia six months ago. It seemed probable that a report of Veranilda's beauty had reached Matasuntha, who wished to adorn her retinue with so fair a remnant of the Amal race.

Succession Of The Last Emperors Of The West, Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Nepos, Augustulus. Total Extinction Of The Western Empire. Reign Of Odoacer, The First Barbarian King Of Italy.

The patricians, who were still possessed of horses, Decius, Basilius, &c. accompanied the governor; their brethren, among whom Olybrius, Orestes, and Maximus, are named by the historian, took refuge in the church of St. Peter: but the assertion, that only five hundred persons remained in the capital, inspires some doubt of the fidelity either of his narrative or of his text.

The patrician, who had extended his posts from the Anio to the Melvian bridge, already possessed two quarters of Rome, the Vatican and the Janiculum, which are separated by the Tyber from the rest of the city; and it may be conjectured, that an assembly of seceding senators imitated, in the choice of Olybrius, the forms of a legal election.

Leo determined to extirpate the tyranny of the Vandals, and solemnly invested Anthemius with the diadem and purple of the West . Forty days after this calamitous event, the tyrant Ricimer died of a painful disease, and two months later death also removed Olybrius. The emperor Leo nominated Julius Nepos to the vacant throne.