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[Footnote 3: The story of theLorenzodosenis given quite fully in Longo’s monograph, “Laurence Sterne und Johann Georg Jacobi” (Wien, 1898, pp. 39-44), and the sketch given here is based upon his investigation, with consultation of the sources there cited. Nothing new is likely to be added to his account, but because of its important illustrative bearing on the whole story of Sterne in Germany, a

Matthew v. 39-44. "Sell that ye have, and give alms." Luke xii. 33. "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another." Rom. xiii. 8. It may be said, surely these passages cannot be taken literally, for how then would the people of God be able to pass through the world. The state of mind enjoined in John vii. 17, will cause such objections to vanish.

If you compare Luke 24:39-44 with the 50th and 51st verses of the same chapter, you may clearly find it so to be. And therefore if he come again in like manner, he must come again with the same body wherewith he was crucified. Object. Ans.

C. Refutation of the third charge, that old age takes away the capacity for enjoyment The pleasures in which youth finds its keenest enjoyment are in themselves bad, and old age is beneficent in freeing from their allurements 39-44 The special objection that old men's tempers spoil their enjoyments is met by the statement that this is the fault of character, not of age 65