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Hallowe'en, for instance, lasts a whole week now, with mummers on the streets every night, October 25-31. Who do we mean by The Prophet-Wizard? We mean not only artists, such as are named in this chapter, but dreamers and workers like Johnny Appleseed, or Abraham Lincoln. The best account of Johnny Appleseed is in Harper's Monthly for November, 1871.

Such again is the sense which all popular minds receive and must receive from Heb, x. 25-31. I do not ask them to adopt my conviction; I merely communicate it as mine, and wish them to admit that it is my duty to follow my own conviction. It is with me no mere "suspicion," but a certainty.

Social efficiency belongs to the organized type. COOLEY: Social Organization, pages 149-156. GIDDINGS: Elements of Sociology, pages 129-140. ROSS: Foundations of Sociology, pages 120-138. ROSS: Social Psychology, pages 43-82. MÜNSTERBERG: Psychology, General and Applied, pages 269-273. DAVENPORT: Primitive Traits in Religious Revivals, pages 25-31.

Did Christ recommend the establishment of a general fund by begging donations, and obtaining testamentary devises from dying men to remunerate His apostles for missionary labors? By no means. He said unto them that they should 'first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and that 'all these things should be added unto them. Matt. 6, 33. See also vv. 25-31.

Gaius, iii, 25-31. See, e.g., Codex, vi, 60, i: Res, quae ex matris successione fuerint ad filios devolutae, ita sint in parentum potestate, ut fruendi dumtaxat habeant facultatem, dominio videlicet eorum ad liberos pertinente. For all this, see Codex, v, 9, 5, and vi, 18, q. Paulus, v, 4, 14, who adds that exile was the penalty if the crime had not been completely carried out.