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«§ 1064. Les rochers correspondans de l'autre côté du Rhône, ou sur la rive droite de ce fleuve sont aussi calcaires. La montagne qui domine cette rive, un peu au-dessus de St. Maurice, est composée de couches contournées, froissées et repliées de la maniere la plus étrange. Ce qu'il y a encore de remarquable, c'est que ces couches ainsi repliées en ont d'autres

It was apparently soon after this event, in the year 1064, that Harold, then Earl of Wessex, visited Normandy, and, according to legend, was entrapped into an oath to support William as heir to the English throne. When Harold was elected and crowned King of England , William's first step was to send an embassy to him demanding the fulfilment of his promise.

He then left the bishoprick which had been committed to his government, resigning the same to Herman, and, crossing the seas, travelled in pilgrimage through Hungary and other countries, to Jerusalem. Hakluyt, II. 41. R. Hoveden, fo, 255. line l5. Pilgrimage of Ingulphus Abbot of Croyland, to Jerusalem, in 1064 .

The following genealogical table, including the principal names in "The First Chronicle of Aescendune," as well as those in the present book, may suffice, the date of decease being given in each case. Offa, 940 * Oswald, 937. * Redwald, 959. * Ella, 959, m. Edith. + Elfric, 960. + Alfred, 998, m. Alftrude. o Elfric, 975. o Elfwyn, 1086, m. Hilda. # Bertric, 1006. # Ethelgiva, 1064 m.

Conan, however, did not die till the 11th of December, after the battle of Senlac, and the accusation is hard to reconcile with the general character of William. Ordericus relates that Walter, Count of Pontoise, and his wife, were murdered at Falaise, when prisoners, by poison "treacherously administered by their enemies," A.D. 1064. x Anglo-Saxon Outlaws.

We find Lucca on the papal side in 1064, but in 1081 she joins the Emperor with Siena and Ferrara; but for the most part after Pisa became Ghibelline Lucca was Guelph, for her friends were the enemies of Pisa. Thus the fight went on, a fight really of self-preservation, of civic liberty as it were, each city prizing its ego above every consideration of justice or unity.

VI. Geography of the known World, in the Ninth Century, as described by King Alfred VII. Travels of Andrew Leucander, in the Eleventh Century VIII. Voyage of Swanus to Jerusalem, in 1052 IX. Voyage of three Ambassadors from England to Constantinople, about 1056 X. Pilgrimage of Alured to Jerusalem, in 1058 XI. Pilgrimage of Ingulphus to Jerusalem, in 1064

It seems most likely that Harold did make some kind of oath to William, most probably under compulsion, when he had fallen into his hands after being shipwrecked on the coast of Ponthieu, and imprisoned by its Count Guy. Mr. Freeman thinks the most probable date to be 1064.

While yet the crown was on his head, the favor of the Lord departed from Saul, and Samuel, the Lord's prophet, was sent, 1064 B.C., to anoint his successor. The monarch was virtually deposed, though still in power.

Married to Thorfinn about 1044, Ingibjorg, his widow, need not in 1064 have been more than forty. She may have been younger, and Malcolm was, in 1064, about thirty-three. If the marriage was in 1059, Ingibjorg would be only thirty-five and Malcolm twenty-eight.