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J.B. COLTHURST, Special Justice Peace, District A, Rural Division. General return of the imports and exports of the island of Barbadoes, during a series of years furnished by the Custom-house officer at Bridgetown. "From the 1st of August, 1834, to 31st of May, 1836, 998 apprentices purchased their freedom by valuation, and paid £33,998.

+ + | NUMBER OF EMIGRANTS SINCE 1829. | | + + + + + | | |'29 to '33|'34 to '38|'39 to '43|'44 to '45| Total. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |England. | 43,386 | 28,624 | 30,318 | 16,531 | 119,354 | |Ireland. | 102,264 | 54,898 | 74,981 | 24,201 | 256,344 | |Scotland. | 20,143 | 10,998 | 16,289 | 4,408 | 51,838 | |British American| | | | | | | Prov. &c. | 1,904 | 1,831 | 1,777 | 377 | 5,589 | | | + + + + | | | 167,697 | 96,351 | 123,860 | 45,517 | 433,425 | + + + + + + +

So violent a measure was supported by a declaration of the commons no less violent. No sooner had the king refused his assent to the four bills, than Hammond, by orders from the army, removed all his servants, cut off his correspondence with his friends, and shut him up in close confinement. * Cl. Walker, p. 70. Rush. vol. viii. p. 965, 967. * Rush. vol. viii. p. 998. Clarendon, vol. v. p. 93.

He was in his time, even more resolutely than Bossuet in the seventeenth century, the defender and practiser of what have since been called the liberties of the Gallican Church, and in 992 he became, on this ground, Archbishop of Rheims; but, after having been interdicted, in 995, by Pope John XVI., from the exercise of his episcopal functions in France, he obtained, in 998, from Pope Gregory V., the archbishopric of Ravenna in Italy, and the favor of Otho III. was not unconnected, in 999, with his elevation to the Holy See, which he occupied for four years, with the title of Sylvester II., whilst putting in practice, but with moderation and dignity, maxims very different from those which he had supported, fifteen years before, as a French bishop.

The old Empress Adelaide, and her daughter-in-law the Empress Theophano, divided or disputed the control of the administration until 991; from that date till 998 the elder woman, freed from interference by the death of Theophano, exercised a great though a declining influence. Neither Empress was competent to handle the singular difficulties of the situation.

The Treasury held $133,998,398.02; so that the National debt, less this cash, stood at $2,491,504,450. It thus exhibited an average reduction of the debt from its maximum, August 31, 1865, to November 1, 1867, of more than $10,000,000 per month.

For several years, owing to the indifference of the public, it had a hard struggle to live up to its ideal. But continuously, if slowly, it gained in membership, so that in 1884 it had an affiliation of 545. During the first twenty years of its existence its income amounted to 338,685 rubles, its expenditures to 309,998 rubles. In 1880 it endowed an agricultural college for Jewish boys.

He never could hold down any Position until tried out for a Captain of Industry and then he began to Bat 450 and Field 998.

In this ship Anlaf himself had his place, in deference to his descent, and Alfgar accompanied him. It may easily be imagined he would sooner have been elsewhere. Scarcely a fishing boat belonging to the English could be discerned: the Danes made a desert around them. Eight years before, in the year 998, they had wintered on the island, and since that time had regarded it as a Danish colony.

English, and the arroba 25 1/2 lbs. English. The cavan is a measure of the capacity of 5,998 cubic inches, and is subdivided into 25 quintas. The Spanish yard, or vara, is eight per cent. shorter than the British yard, by which latter all the cotton and other manufactures are sold by the merchants importing them, although the shopkeepers who purchase them retail everything by the Spanish yard.