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Importância capital do sãoskrito como base da Glottologia árica e da Glottologia árica no ensino superior das lettras e da historia. Lisboa, 1878. Contribuições mythologicas. Grammatica da língua sãoskrita: Phonologia. Lisboa, 1879. Donald Fergusson, com o título «Buddhist Legends from Fragmentos ... by G. de Vasconcellos Abreu. Translated with additional notes. Lisboa, 1878.

Project Gutenberg's O congresso de Roma, by Sebastião de Magalhães Lima Author: Sebastião de Magalhães Lima Language: Portuguese Produced by Pedro Saborano. Para comentários

Prince Bismarck's last speech to the Reichstag puts all doubt on that point at rest. England, however, having proclaimed her resolve, the course likely to be pursued by Germany is the course of shrewdness and common sense, two qualities that never fail to distinguish the Teutonic mind. Germany will elect to confine her colonising policy within legitimate and accessible limits.

To speak of Portuguese colonies in East Africa is to speak of a mere fiction a fiction colourably sustained by a few scattered seaboard settlements, beyond whose narrow littoral and local limits colonisation and government have no existence.

Author: Unknown Language: Portuguese Produced by Mike Silva Não soffre hum estômago debilitado muita comida, nem a impetuosa torrente, que se lhe opponhão obstaculos; em huma e outra crise he necessario muita prudencia, pois he nestes lances, que o primeiro repôem com tédio, o que devia servir-lhe d'alimento, e o segundo arrasta diante de si quanto pertende impedir o livre curso das suas agoas.

Project Gutenberg's Liberdade de Imprensa, by José Maria Barbosa de Magalhães

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