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Dancing and Chinese lanterns and champagne in torrents. Won't you go?" "Perhaps later in the evening." Denis was perturbed. He scented a rival in this brutalitarian, though it seemed hardly possible that Angelina should take much notice of him. Meanwhile, he felt in need of some gentlemanly and soothing influence, after such an outpouring of vulgarity. He thought of the bibliographer.

Despite the vulgarity of the comparison, the purest ivory alone can give an idea of the dazzling whiteness of her polished satin skin, of a texture so fresh and so firm, that some drops of water, collected and still remaining about the roots of her hair from the bath, rolled in serpentine lines over her shoulders, like pearls, or beads, of crystal, over white marble.

"But it might lead silly girls into all sorts of trouble." "I think most of us know how to behave like ladies and drop the gentleman when he wants to go too far." "Good heavens!" cried Mavis, who was taken aback by the vulgarity of Miss Meakin's point of view.

He heard enough to perceive that its words were at least free from the vulgarity which generally characterizes street ballads, and were yet simple enough to please a very homely audience. When the singer ended there was no applause; but there was evident sensation among the audience, a feeling as if something that had given a common enjoyment had ceased.

We are a refined people, even in our sins, and I know no word in the English language we strive harder to avoid using in any of its forms than that word of brutal vulgarity, but terrific meaning adultery. The adulterer may be in our midst, but we have refinement enough to refer to him as the "So-and-So's" co-respondent.

In drawing-rooms odorous with luxury the man's name has mention, and the vulgarity of his liberated speech and courageous faith is a theme to move the wonder and excite the reprobation of hearts whose languid beating keeps up their show of life, to what sufficient purpose expect me not to tell.

But why shouldn't she be vulgar, if she could most surely get what she wanted by vulgarity? What was the meaning of the word vulgarity? Of course she was prepared to do things, was daily doing things, which would have been odious to her had not her husband been a public man. She submitted, without unwillingness, to constant contact with disagreeable people.

I met her one day in company with a good many other people, and said to her: "Madame, you managed to give up your religion in order to marry a French prince; you might just as well have left behind your gross Palatine vulgarity also.

"Cosa stupenda!" What might be admired as coquetry of dress in a young beauty of rank so great that even a vulgarity in her would be called distinguee, was certainly an audacious challenge of ridicule in the elderly ci-devant music-teacher.

The "Little Sons" looked at one another in consternation, while Brewster's indifference expressed itself in an unflattering comment upon his friend's vulgarity. "Good Lord, Nopper," he added, "you would speculate about the price of gloves for your wedding." Harrison resented the taunt.