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Scott and Bettina stopped, struck with this inscription carved on the stone: "Here lies Dr. Marcel Reynaud, Surgeon-Major of the Souvigny Mobiles; killed January 8, 1871, at the Battle of Villersexel. Pray for him." When they had read it, the Cure, pointing to Jean, said:. "It was his father!"

That evening the village was ours, and the next day they placed in the cemetery of Villersexel the body of Dr. Reynaud. Two months later the Abbe Constantin took back to Longueval the coffin of his friend, and behind the coffin, when it was carried from the church, walked an orphan. Jean had also lost his mother.

The War in various Regions of France General Faidherbe Battle of Pont-Noyelles Unreliability of French Official News Engagement of Nuits Le Bourget Sortie Battles of Bapaume and Villersexel Chanzy's Plan of Operations The Affair of Saint Calais Wretched State of some of Chanzy's Soldiers Le Mans and its Historical Associations The Surrounding Country Chanzy's Career Positions of his Forces Advance of Prince Frederick Charles The first Fighting before Le Mans and its Result.

Scott and Bettina stopped, struck with this inscription carved on the stone: "Here lies Dr. Marcel Reynaud, Surgeon-Major of the Souvigny Mobiles; killed January 8, 1871, at the Battle of Villersexel. Pray for him." When they had read it, the Cure, pointing to Jean, said: "It was his father!"

Scott and Bettina stopped, struck with this inscription carved on the stone: "Here lies Dr. Marcel Reynaud, Surgeon-Major of the Souvigny Mobiles; killed January 8, 1871, at the Battle of Villersexel. Pray for him." When they had read it, the Cure, pointing to Jean, said: "It was his father!"

A hundred steps farther the road made a sharp curve. The doctor turned, cast one long look at his wife and child-the last; he was never to see them again. On January 8, 1871, the mobiles of Souvigny attacked the village of Villersexel, occupied by the Prussians, who had barricaded themselves. The firing began. A mobile who marched in the front rank received a ball in the chest and fell.

A hundred steps farther the road made a sharp curve. The doctor turned, cast one long look at his wife and child-the last; he was never to see them again. On January 8, 1871, the mobiles of Souvigny attacked the village of Villersexel, occupied by the Prussians, who had barricaded themselves. The firing began. A mobile who marched in the front rank received a ball in the chest and fell.

That evening the village was ours, and the next day they placed in the cemetery of Villersexel the body of Dr. Reynaud. Two months later the Abbe Constantin took back to Longueval the coffin of his friend, and behind the coffin, when it was carried from the church, walked an orphan. Jean had also lost his mother.

That evening the village was ours, and the next day they placed in the cemetery of Villersexel the body of Dr. Reynaud. Two months later the Abbe Constantin took back to Longueval the coffin of his friend, and behind the coffin, when it was carried from the church, walked an orphan. Jean had also lost his mother.

A hundred steps farther the road made a sharp curve. The doctor turned, cast one long look at his wife and child-the last; he was never to see them again. On January 8, 1871, the mobiles of Souvigny attacked the village of Villersexel, occupied by the Prussians, who had barricaded themselves. The firing began. A mobile who marched in the front rank received a ball in the chest and fell.