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'And I forgot to tell you, Tamar, I've a ring for you in town a little souvenir; you'll think it pretty a gold ring, with a stone in it it belonged to poor dear Aunt Jemima, you remember. I left it behind; so stupid! So he shook hands with old Tamar, and patted her affectionately on the shoulder, and he said: 'Keep the hall-door bolted.

Rachel had opened her window-shutters, as was her wont when the moon was up, and with her small white hands on the window-sash, looked into the wooded solitudes, lost in haunted darkness in every direction but one, and there massed in vaporous and discoloured foliage, hardly more distinct, or less solemn. 'Poor old Tamar says her prayers, and reads her Bible; I wish I could. How often I wish it.

It's cruel it's cowardly. 'I mean to do it you'll see. Suddenly she hurried by him, and in a moment was in the little kitchen, with its fire and candle burning cheerily. Stanley Lake was at her shoulder as she entered, and both were white with agitation. Old Tamar rose up affrighted, her stiff arms raised, and uttered a blessing. She did not know what to make of it.

Here's the key of my bed-room say I'm sick and you must go in and out, and bring tea and drinks, and talk and whisper a little, you understand, as you might with a sick person, and keep the shutters closed; and if Miss Brandon sends to ask me to the Hall, say I've a headache, and fear I can't go. You understand me clearly, Tamar?

Tamar might glide in and out; her mistress did not speak; the shadows deepened round her, but she did look up, nor call, in the old cheerful accents, for lights.

So, the drawing-room being prepared, Rachel bid Tamar and little Margery good-night, and the sleepy little handmaid stumped off to her bed; and white old Tamar, who had not spoken so much for a month before, put on her solemn round spectacles, and by her dipt candle read her chapter in the ponderous Bible she had thumbed so well, and her white lips told over the words as she read them in silence.

'She has not cost you much hitherto, Stanley, and she will give you very little trouble hereafter. I won't part with Tamar. 'She has not cost me much? said Lake, whose temper was not of a kind to pass by anything. 'No; of course, she has not. I can't afford a guinea.

Tamar was not deaf to the pleadings of Shanty; she began immediately to rise with the first crowing of the cock, and thus obtained so much time for her business, that she could then afford herself some for reading. Mrs.

But no mischief did occur, at least for a long time, from this mysterious quarter. Tamar did not again visit the place; and in a short time thought no more of the matter. The happy days of childhood were passing away with Tamar, and sorrow was coming on her patrons, from a quarter which poor Mrs.

Amongst these was the history of the Jews, carried on in connection between the New and Old Testament, and afterwards in Christian times, and to these he added certain crude views of prophecy; for he was resolved that Tamar was a Jewess, and he had talked himself into the belief that she was of some distinguished family.