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When Janet and her companion turned into the main street where the stores were lighted his task became easier. The street was peaceful. Janet saw no evidence of the violence or danger indicated by the Mexican lawyer's declaration, but she was too sensible to imagine on that account that peril did not exist. The town was not aware of what had occurred, that was all, not yet.

The Sioux don't read Dickens. You should join the tribe." "I always told you that sensible people never read," said Esther, hard at work on her painting. "Do you suppose St. Cecilia ever read Dickens or would have liked him if she had?" "Perhaps not," said Strong.

The principle upon which calcareous substance is dissolved in water, and made to concrete by the evaporation of the acid substance, or fixed air by which it had been dissolved, is too well known to require any explanation in this place; we are only to consider the sensible effects of those operations of which we know so well the proper conditions.

We have now gone through an examination of the evidence adduced from the prophets of the Old Testament, to prove that Jesus is the Messiah of the Old Testament; and those of our readers who love truth, are, we trust, now made sensible that the religion of the New Testament, if built upon such proofs as these, is, evidently, founded on a mistake.

I do not recommend upon all occasions a solemn countenance. A man may smile; but if he would be thought a gentleman and a man of sense, he would by no means laugh. True wit never yet made a man of fashion laugh; he is above it. It may create a smile; but as loud laughter shews that a man has not the command of himself, every one who would with to appear sensible, must abhor it.

On the whole, though I fear advice is wasted upon you, I should recommend you to remain in the army. It is what I should do myself if I were unfortunate enough to have your temperament while retaining my own brains." "Oh, yes," said Winn, rising to go; "of course I sha'n't chuck the army. I quite see that's the only sensible thing to do." "Pray sit down again," said Dr.

The chevalier recognized, in spite of a sensible difference which there was in his toilet, the man of the water-jet whom he had seen on the terrace in the morning, and who, with a perfect air of familiarity, had twice pronounced the name of "Bathilde."

"I am now sensible that there were needless asperities in my review of 'Marmion, and from the hurry in which I have been forced to write, I dare say there may be some here also.... I am sincerely proud both of your genius and of your glory, and I value your friendship more highly than most either of my literary or political opinions."

I cannot presume to dictate to you about what you ought to do. Besides, it really seems a sensible thing for you to go. She said you promised not to leave, but I can't have it that way." Something in the very firmness of her renunciation of him added weights to his sinking spirits. "You think it would be best for me to go?" he managed to articulate. "Oh, do you, Harriet?"

Why, have you ever known any one with such a strong natural turn for lying? Tyc. Any number of them. Phi. Then I can only say they must be fools, if they really prefer evil to good. Tyc. Oh, that is not it. I could point you out plenty of men of first-rate ability, sensible enough in all other respects, who have somehow picked up this vice of romancing.