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Houghton, I will bring this interview to a close at once, and then you can settle the matter in a word. Your country will never receive any harm from me. I am one of a conquered people, and I have now no ambition other than that of earning bread for my child and myself. You have dealings with Southern men and ex-Confederate soldiers. You buy from them and sell to them.

Cairo was to be the central distributing point, and if anybody along the river owned a coal mine in Kentucky or Indiana, or elsewhere, he was quickly made to understand that his best means of marketing his product at a profit was to sell it through the Hallam yards at Cairo.

But, although the thing to be sold has no actual and present existence; yet if its future existence is possible, and if it is the product or increase of something to which the seller has a present right, it is the subject of sale. Thus, a man may sell the wool that may grow on his sheep, the fruit that may grow on his trees, or the future increase of his cattle.

He no longer thought of her as his victim as something to be ruthlessly enjoyed he trembled before her, big and brave and relentless as he was in the world of men. "What has come over me?" he asked himself. "Sure she has me on me knees the witch. Me mind is filled with her." All through the week his agents were at work attempting to sell his saloons.

No doubt he could sell out in proper course, but at the present moment he was as much bound by military law to return as would be any common soldier at the expiration of his furlough. He must go back. That at any rate was certain. And if his uncle did not much mind it, he would prefer to remain with his regiment till October.

"It's mortgaged, and you have the mortgage." "Yes, but with proper handling they ought to clear that off easily." "They had to sell Black Prince " "And got a fancy price for him, too. That alone would pretty nearly have paid the mortgage. If they are hard up, it's their own fault." "Mrs. Grinnell is in position to know if anyone does.

It's all ready to put on the boards, and dirt cheap at five thousand." The Frenchman winced at the sum. "Listen to arithmetic," Collins went on. "You can sell at twelve hundred a week at least, and you can net eight hundred certain. Six weeks of the net pays for the turn, and you can book a hundred weeks right off the bat and have them yelling for more. Wish I was young and footloose.

On the second evening of Faber's visit I brought to him the draft of deeds for the sale of his property. He had never been a man of business out of his profession; he was impatient to sell his property, and disposed to accept an offer at half its value.

When the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee became the Parliamentary War Savings Committee, Le Bas went with it. Its first job was to sell the Great War Loan. The Treasury officials wanted it done in the usual dignified British way. At the first meeting of the Committee, Le Bas objected to this procedure.

I am the best-natured creature in the world, and yet I have already killed three men, and of these three two were priests." Cacambo, who stood sentry by the door of the arbour, ran to him. "We have nothing more for it than to sell our lives as dearly as we can," said his master to him, "without doubt some one will soon enter the arbour, and we must die sword in hand."