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"That'll be it," said he. "Then I'll gang there straight," says I. "But ye'll be for a bite or ye go?" said he. "Neither bite nor sup," said I. "I had a good waucht of milk in by Ratho." "Aweel, aweel," says Doig. "But ye'll can leave your horse here and your bags, for it seems we're to have your up-put." "Na, na," said I. "Tamson's mear would never be the thing for me this day of all days."

Poet, b.. in Linlithgowshire, s. of a farmer, and ed. at Edin., he entered the Church, and became minister of Ratho, Midlothian, in 1756, and Prof. of Natural Philosophy at St. Andrews in 1759. In 1757 he pub. the Epigoniad, dealing with the Epigoni, sons of the seven heroes who fought against Thebes. He also wrote Moral Fables in Verse.

"She'll have gone home to Lady Allardyce, I'm thinking," said I. "That'll be it," said he. "Then I'll gang there straight," says I. "But ye'll be for a bite or ye go?" said he. "Neither bite nor sup," said I. "I had a good wauch of milk in by Ratho." "Aweel, aweel," says Doig. "But ye'll can leave your horse here and your bags, for it seems we're to have your up-put."

"That'll be it," said he. "Then I'll gang there straight," says I. "But ye'll be for a bite or ye go?" said he. "Neither bite nor sup," said I. "I had a good waucht of milk in by Ratho." "Aweel, aweel," says Doig. "But ye'll can leave your horse here and your bags, for it seems we're to have your up-put." "Na, na," said I. "Tamson's mear would never be the thing for me, this day of all days."