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The great lesson here is the one so continually reiterated in Scripture, from Isaac downwards, that God 'chooses the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty, and thereby magnifies both the sovereign freedom of His choice and the power of His Spirit, which takes the stripling from the sheepcotes and qualifies him to be the antagonist of the grim Saul, and the king of Israel.

In human systems of ethics, attention has been chiefly directed to the obligations of social and relative morality; but the two classes are closely associated in the sacred writings; and the sound condition of the moral feelings is pointed out as that acquirement which, along with a corresponding integrity of character, qualifies man, in an especial manner, for intercourse with the Deity.

I do not think that my turn of mind qualifies me to make a good tradesman; my taste, my ambition does not lie in that way; but such was the scorn expressed in Lord Tynedale's countenance as he pronounced the word TRADE such the contemptuous sarcasm of his tone that I was instantly decided. My father was but a name to me, yet that name I did not like to hear mentioned with a sneer to my very face.

In the one case a man lies dead-alive four generations mummified in ignorance and sloth and that qualifies him to command live people, and take their weal and woe into his impotent hands; and in the other case, a man lies bedded with death and worms four generations, and that qualifies him for office in the celestial camp. Does the king's grace approve of this strange law?"

By so doing one puts off the old childish things, and qualifies oneself by firmness and courage to become a worthy member of the society into which one is called.

Dr Smith evidently felt this; and wherever, in consequence, he does not shift the question from the exchangeable value of corn to its physical properties, he speaks with an unusual want of precision, and qualifies his positions by the expressions much, and in any considerable degree.

The Law of Periodicity prevails widely throughout Nature. It absolutely dominates Life. The centre of animal vitality is to be found in the beating heart and breathing lungs. Pulsation qualifies not merely the nutrient life but the musculo-motor activity as well. Eating, Walking, all our most elementary movements are pulsatory. We wake and sleep, we grow weary and rest.

There is no class in the community whose experience better qualifies them to make suggestions as to the sufficiency of a currency and banking system than the bankers and business men.

Mind that undeniably false. 'That's all the fault of the artist. The stupid dog would place me in so strong a light that I kept blinking. 'No, no. She reads you like a book, said the other. 'I wish to Heaven she would, if she would hold me like one. 'And the nice way she qualifies your cleverness, by calling you amusing.

Even the gaps are left unbridged by guesswork: whereas the historic and mythological problems perhaps involved are relinquished to those really thoroughgoing scholars whom erudition qualifies to deal with such topics, and tedium does not deter....