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We can thus, without departing from physics, collect together all the particulars actively at a given place, or all the particulars passively at a given place. In the case of the photographic plate, the first group is the plate as dealt with by physics, the second the aspect of the heavens which it photographs. And the photographic plate has its biography as well as its "matter."

He had a practical knowledge of camera craft, since he had worked his way up through all branches of the game, and he was sure that with practice he could do the photographic work. He hoped to teach Andy enough about it so that he could help; Andy seemed to have an adaptability superior to some of the others and would learn the rudiments readily, Luck believed.

His work on the Mass was a good preparation for the psychological problems expounded in the Symphony. Here is a work so interwoven into Beethoven's very life and spirit, that the mention of his name at once calls to mind the Ninth Symphony. It is the work of the seer approaching the end of his life-drama, giving with photographic clearness a résumé of it.

I, knowing something of Begglely's machine, willingly accepted the lady's explanation, which was to the effect that the male in question was her nephew, aged eleven; but the uncharitable ridiculed this statement, and appearances were certainly against her. It was in the early days of the photographic craze, and an inexperienced world was rather pleased with the idea of being taken on the cheap.

With one wild bound I leapt forward, and, hardly knowing what I did, I pressed the button, turned off the current from the battery, and rushed wildly upon him. I suppose the knob I pressed not only released you, but set the photographic machine at work automatically. But I didn't know it then. At any rate, I remember now, in the seconds that followed, flash came fast after flash.

Holden, and the exquisite enlargements of them by Dr. Weinek of Prague; at Paris by the brothers Henry; and at Brussels by M. Prinz; point to the not far distant time when we shall possess complete photographic maps on a large scale of the whole visible disc under various phases of illumination, which will be of inestimable value as topographical charts.

The proposed arrangement suited Dick Cavendish admirably, for the prolonged halt appealed to him as something very much in the nature of a holiday, especially when Earle declared that he would need no assistance in his photographic operations, so that Dick would be free to amuse himself in any way he pleased.

Invariably when I had a good chance, my gun would be at camp. Before breakfast one morning I made an excursion to a promontory to watch the sunrise. Deep down in the cañons below, darkness still lingered. Slowly the world emerged from the shadows like a photographic plate developing and disclosing its images in the darkroom.

There my precious photographic work of several weeks was covered with earth forever. Now came my paint-box with its cakes of water-colors. "What do you do with these?" cried an angry Lama, pointing at the harmless colors. "I paint pictures." "No, you are lying. With the 'yellow' you find where gold is in the country, and with the 'blue' you discover where malachite is."

In the experimentation referred to, Röntgen had covered the glass tube at the end with a shield of black cardboard. This rendered the glow at the cathode pole completely invisible. It chanced that a piece of paper treated with platino-barium cyanide for photographic uses was on a bench near by.