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In Montalluyah slander is regarded with horror. A person of either sex who slandered a woman, and even one who gave credence to a slander without careful investigation, would be severely punished and condemned to wear "the dress of shame," on which would be exposed the nature of the offence, and the base motives of the traducer.

It served admirably to raise, refine, and rouse the spectator to enthusiasm. On the other hand, some of our electric exhibitions produce mirth. For instance, the effect of electricity on the monkeys in Montalluyah who are very sagacious, having faces white like a human being, and talking like parrots is ludicrous in the extreme.

This torrent, called the Great Cataract, forms a feature of great grandeur and beauty. On the suspended mountain itself is built a city larger than your largest capitals, called the Upper city of Montalluyah. The Lower city, nearer the sea-level, is distant vertically about three miles from the nearest under part of the projecting mountain-arm above.

Stainer was a good man, who was never known to harm or pain any one by action or word, and from whom, as he drank of its waters daily, the spring derived its name. The water, wholesome and cooling, is said to be the purest in Montalluyah.

The "mind-tamers" attending madmen who were numerous when I began to reign carried with them this fat, and sometimes the head itself, as an antidote against the contagion of insanity. The Mestua Mountain. The largest in Montalluyah, supposed to be the firmest and most lasting of mountains.

The variation is regulated not by the distance, but by the difference in the attracting power of the star, and often, through the peculiar nature of its electricity, greater power is required to view minutely a planet much nearer to Montalluyah than is needed for one more distant. The secrets revealed to me were so great, that when I first looked through the instrument in all its power I fainted.

Water, a thing of hourly use, and moreover supposed to enter largely into man's organization, is in Montalluyah treated as of the utmost importance to health, and its quality is watched with great care. The water for the especial use of the city is collected in reservoirs, and is always examined before the people are allowed to make use of it.

On the rocky ridges of the heart or indent of the mountain, and on the part of the mountain foot restored by the sea, now stand the middle and lower cities of Montalluyah. The hanging mountain mass, with its promontories and high hills, presents all varieties of shape and outline, and is itself intersected by rocks, ravines, cataracts, and torrents.

Wisdom and joy ruled where before folly and misery prevailed, and towards the end of my reign the happiness of Montalluyah was more like the joys of a celestial star than of a planet inhabited by mortal beings. When the causes of affliction themselves could not be removed, they were often made to contribute to my world's well-being.

As already mentioned, ablutions are in great favour in Montalluyah, and bathing is in constant use. At a certain period of the year about six weeks in the whole our boys are made to bathe every morning in the open sea, into which they are taught to leap from adjacent rocks.