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"Doctors ... doctors. They have it on the brain, the limitations of the feminine organism." "Because they know something about it. But I'm not speaking of the feminine organism just now. I should say the same to Rodney if he thought of turning doctor now, after twenty years of politics." "Rodney never could have been a doctor. He hates messing about with bodies." "Well, you know what I think.

Messing with those paint-brushes; you don't call that duty, I hope? You had much better have gone out with your stepmother." "I was not wanted, papa. Mrs. Granger has engagements which do not in the least concern me. I should only be in the way." "What do you mean by that, Sophia?" asked her father sternly. "And what do you mean by calling my wife Mrs. Granger?"

The carved woodwork and most of the tables and chairs in the saloons were taken away, and though the painted frescoes and glass domes still remained, they were dusty and neglected. In one corner of the first-class saloon was the wardroom, a space partitioned off by painted canvas screens to provide messing accommodation for the more senior officers.

"He was one of them taxydermy blokes, you know, that's always messing round with stones and things." Out of the water, the opal tints died out of the limestone, and the geologist in us went to sleep again when we found that all we had for our trouble was a piece of dirty-looking rock.

It was usually worst in the early morning, and with his eagle eye he could generally detect something amiss about the ship, and was then unsparing in his blame. He was very kind to me, but was a man very difficult to live with on the intimate terms which necessarily followed from our messing by ourselves in the same cabin.

"Nonsense," declared Miss Mullett from the kitchen. "I'd just send you for more, Mr. Herrick, and make you help me put them up." "I think I'd like that," answered Wade. "It must be rather good fun messing about with sugar and currants and things." "Messing about!" exclaimed Eve, indignantly. "It's quite evident that you've never done any of it!"

And I was learning to pick out "Old Zip Coon" on the banjo, and the cuckoo was on time with his remarks, and Ah Sing was messing up the atmosphere with the handsomest smell of ham and eggs that ever laid the honeysuckle in the shade.

He was standing at the chest of drawers, confound him, messing about with my ties. "Hallo!" he said. "What are you doing here?" "I'm tidying your room. It's my last Saturday's act of kindness." "Last Saturday's?" "I'm five days behind. I was six till last night, but I polished your shoes." "Was it you " "Yes. Did you see them? I just happened to think of it. I was in here, looking round. Mr.

"A man likes to do something useful at times like this it's just our instinct," he added as if explaining something more for his own satisfaction than hers. "I'm not a seaman I'd only get in peoples' way messing round the boats before they were ready so I reckoned I'd pick up your candies." There were very few women onboard, and Cecily found herself the only woman allotted to the jolly-boat.

But I shall want to hear all about it; so mind you use Garth's note-book and keep an accurate log." "I'll see to that," quoth Harry; and Tom added, "I do the messing, and Harry does the writing." When all preparations were made, the Yarl insisted that they should march to the shore in proper style, with Yaspard walking in front carrying his new flag, hoisted for the occasion on Mr.