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Thus the way was littered with huge stones, over which they climbed, between which they threaded their way, down which they often slid and scrambled as best they could. For some hours they toiled steadily along this wild, rocky gorge, then a halt was called to rest and breathe.

The earth was soft from the rain, but the stony outcrop ran a long distance, and they walked on it cautiously so far as it went, after which they continued on the fallen trunks and brush, with which the forest had been littered by the winds of countless years. They were able, without once touching foot to ground, to reach a brook, into which they stepped, following its course at least two miles.

He looked over her head, straight into Avery's eyes for a long, long second. Then: "So be it!" he said, and with ironical ceremony he bowed her out. "Hullo, sonny! You!" Edmund Crowther turned from his littered writing-table, and rose to greet his visitor with a ready smile of welcome. "Hullo!" said Piers. "How are you getting on? I was in town and thought I'd look you up.

Some cups and a plate or two, with a cut loaf of bread and a jam tin of sugar, littered the table. The scanty bed was unmade. The woman wore a limp cotton dress of uncertain colour, rolled up at the sleeves and opened at the neck for greater coolness. She was thin and sharp; she was so busy you understood that she had no time to be clean and tidy.

After this my father was seldom at home, and my mother had few spare moments; wherefore, I found myself forgotten. The first morning after our arrival, when I awoke from sleep, how sad I felt! I could see that our windows looked out upon a drab space of wall, and that the street below was littered with filth.

So there, upon the bridge, the fight raged fiercer than before; men smote and died, until of Sir Pertolepe's garrison there none remained save they that littered that narrow causeway. "Now by the good Saint Giles my patron saint," gasped Giles, wiping the sweat from him, "here was a good and sweet affray, tall brother a very proper fight, pugnus et calcibus while it lasted "

And as he stammered that he did not know, that he had not seen anything, that it was very strange, Felicite continued in a covertly threatening voice: "A letter from Paris, from my son, Eugene; you know what I mean, don't you? I'll look for it myself." Thereupon she stepped forward as if intending to examine the various packets which littered the writing table.

He was ordained in due course, converted his old companions, then set sail for St. Croix. Hamilton met him at Peter Lytton's, talked with him the day through, and carried him home to dinner. After that he became little less than an inmate of the household; a room was furnished for him, and when he did not occupy it, he rode over several times a week. His books littered every table and shelf.

The picture faded, and before his eyes stretched the disorder of his squalid room. He strove in vain to see Tahiti again. He knew there was singing among the trees and that the maidens were dancing in the moonlight, but he could not see them. He could see only the littered writing-table, the empty space where the type-writer had stood, and the unwashed window-pane.

Amidst all the magnificence she had noted on her journey through the long suite of reception-rooms the littered treasures of amber and gold, and ivory and porcelain and silver she had seen only an empty wine-flask; so with quick footfall she ran down the wide, shallow stairs to the lower floor, and here she found herself in a labyrinth of passages opening into small rooms and servants' offices.