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"Fellow-sufferer, adieu! God comfort you as He has comforted me! The sorrows of this life are sharp but short; the joys of the next life are eternal. Think some times on him who commends his friend to your pity, and himself to your prayers. "This is the last will and testament of Louis Archambaud Jean-Marie Arnaud, Vicomte de B ."

I can catch it, if I run, he cried. 'It is always late. I go to Paris. I shall telegraph. 'Henri! what is wrong? cried his wife. 'Ottoman Bonds! came from the disappearing Doctor; and Anastasie and Jean-Marie were left face to face with the wet trousers.

The perspiration of these good fellows turned cold upon them, Jean-Marie. I will pledge my reputation, if there was anything like a cutting wind, one or other had a pneumonia for his trouble. 'I should like to have seen them turning into dust, said Jean-Marie. 'Otherwise, I should not have cared so greatly. 'You have no imagination, cried the Doctor. 'Picture to yourself the scene.

You can have some wine and cakes. Is the bottle empty? Well, we will not be proud; we will have pity on your glass. The beer being done, the Doctor chafed bitterly while Jean-Marie finished his cakes. 'I burn to be gone, he said, looking at his watch. 'Good God, how slow you eat! And yet to eat slowly was his own particular prescription, the main secret of longevity!

I hazard the guess, Madame Tentaillon, that tumbling is a healthful way of life. And have you never done anything else but tumble?" "Before I learned that, I used to steal," answered Jean-Marie gravely. "Upon my word!" cried the Doctor. "You are a nice little man for your age. Madame, when my confrère comes from Bourron, you will communicate my unfavourable opinion.

I suppose you could climb the green gate? 'Yes, still lower, from the culprit. 'Well, then, it was you who stole these things. You know it, and you dare not deny it. Look me in the face! Raise your sneak's eyes, and answer! But in place of anything of that sort Jean-Marie broke into a dismal howl and fled from the arbour.

A boy, chosen by so acute an observer for his aptitude, and guided along the path of learning by so philosophic an instructor, was bound, by the nature of the universe, to make a more obvious and lasting advance. Now Jean-Marie was slow in all things, impenetrable in others; and his power of forgetting was fully on a level with his power to learn.

Franchard was at length destroyed in the English wars, the same that levelled Gretz. These vessels were of monstrous value, Jean-Marie monstrous value priceless, we may say; exquisitely worked, of exquisite material. And now, mark me, they have never been found. In the reign of Louis Quatorze some fellows were digging hard by the ruins. Suddenly tock! the spade hit upon an obstacle.

And for some time before he met Jean-Marie he had been prepared to challenge all France and the better part of Europe for a rival to his chosen spot. "Doctor," he would say "doctor is a foul word. It should not be used to ladies. It implies disease. I remark it, as a flaw in our civilisation, that we have not the proper horror of disease.

'Jean-Marie, if you prefer to leave me, now that I am poor, you can go; you shall receive your hundred francs, if so much remains to me. But if you will consent to stay' the Doctor wept a little 'Casimir offers me a place as clerk, he resumed. 'The emoluments are slender, but they will be enough for three. It is too much already to have lost my fortune; must I lose my son?