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Lambert towd me 'bout it when we drove yon on neighbourin' day. Eh, hoo was in a way! It's been i' th' family for years an' years; and hoo'd weshed it hersel' an' put it on th' hedge to dry, an' soombry coom an' whipped it off. Eh, I mind it well. Hoo'd often showed it me. Hoo thought a dale of it."

"Ay; he was i' the shadow o' Captain Ogilvy and I couldna see his face, but I thought it like his voice when he first spoke." "Hoo can he hae come to ken aboot the jewels?" "That's mair than I can tell." "I'll bury them," said Swankie, "an' then it'll puzzle onybody to tell whaur they are." "Ye'll please yoursell," said Spink.

"I thank ye frae mine," answered Malcolm, and again they shook hands. "But eh, Ma'colm, my man!" said the factor, "hoo will I ever shaw my face again?" "Fine that!" returned Malcolm, eagerly. "Fowk's terrible guid natur'd whan ye alloo 'at ye're i' the wrang. I do believe 'at whan a man confesses till 's neebour, an' says he's sorry, he thinks mair o' 'im nor afore he did it.

He'd see, when he was big enow, hoo the gude wife wad be shakin' her head when his faither wanted, maybe, an extra ounce or twa o' thick black. "We maun think o' the bairn, Jock," she'd be saying. "Put the price of it in the kist, Jock ye'll no be really needin' that."

Do ye really mean to tell me that I stand a chance o' being saved, an' that I shall see my wife an' bairns again?" "Even so," said she; "but whether ye do or do not, rests with yer master." "Speak not o' that, sweet maiden," said the laird; "but tell me, what says my mother? How does she bear the fate o' her son; an' hoo does she promise to avenge my death?"

Taken aback, and scarcely knowing how to remove the restraint which the sudden interruption was imposing, she fell upon the instinct of her heart, and said: 'Well, I never! if our Milly isn't reet! Hoo said as how hoo know'd Amanda bed come back. Hoo seed th' leet go aat and co'd aat at th' top o' her voice, "Amanda's come back."

It's a gled day for your father, and for us a' tae see you back again and strong. And noo ye 'ill just get up aside me in the front, and Mistress Hoo 'ill hap ye round, for we maunna let ye come tae ony ill the first day yir oot, or we 'ill never hear the end o't." And so the honest man went on, for he was as near the breaking as Drumtochty nature allowed.

I Remember, I Remember "Boo, hoo! Ow, ow; Oh! oh! Me'll die. Boo, hoo. The pain, the pain! Boo, hoo!" "Come, come, now. Daddy's little mate isn't going to turn Turk like that, is she? I'll put some fat out of the dinner-bag on it, and tie it up in my hanky. Don't cry any more now. Hush, you must not cry! You'll make old Dart buck if you kick up a row like that."

But she had not long withdrawn when the prison-door was again opened, and Lady Scott rushed into the arms of her son. "My mother!" cried he, starting back in astonishment "my mother! hoo is this?" "Oh, joy an' gladness, an' every blessing be upon my honoured lady! for noo I may stand some chance o' walkin' back upon my ain feet to see my family.

When the Commission reached Ah Kurroo, he declined to open a truce with Choo Hoo, even for a moment, and presently, as the Commission solemnly demanded obedience in the name of the fox, he decided to go himself to the king-elect and explain the reasons of a purely military character which led him to place this obstruction in their way.