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The resulting casualties were extraordinarily few, but it was hair-raising to see as we often did a mounted man, or a gharry with its pair of mules and Indian driver, suddenly blotted out in the dust and smoke of a huge burst, to reappear, when the cloud cleared, moving on its way as unconcernedly as if nothing had happened.

A week later our friends were in Paris, having made a quick trip, on which little of incident occurred, though Tom managed to get quite a number of good views on the way. He found a message awaiting him, from Mr. Period. "Well, where to now?" asked Ned, as his chum read the cablegram. "Great Scott!" cried our hero. "Talk about hair-raising jobs, this certainly is the limit!"

The old gentleman had immediately identified it as a plover, a water bird about the size of a quail. Later that night, and on several other occasions, they had seen the same thing. After a few more hair-raising but interesting stories of the old west Texas, we left. Our next stop was the federal game warden's office in Lubbock. We got the low-down on plovers.

Greenhalge and a few young highbrows and a reformed crook named Harrod did most of the hair-raising. They're going to nominate Greenhalge for mayor; and he told 'em something about that little matter of the school board, and said he would talk more later on.

But Max stood fast in his iniquity. Max, four-year old Max whose "trousers" did not measure three inches in the inner seam of the leg Max, who was not yet entirely initiated into the difficulties of speech, had broken forth into "language!" No one knew where he could have possibly heard the hair-raising phrase.

I thought of you, Capitan The partizans of force couldn't do much with the General, and they missed Simoun. Ah, if Simoun had not been taken ill " With the arrest of Basilio and the search made later among his books and papers, Capitan Tiago had become much worse. Now Padre Irene had come to augment his terror with hair-raising tales.

Her hair-raising obscenity and the apothegms from her philosophy of shame, which she got off with the solemnity of an oracle, were the principal sources of mirth throughout the portico.

I sat at his feet as at the feet of a god, while he discoursed of strange lands and peoples, deeds of violence, and hair-raising gales at sea. Then, one day, I took him for a sail. With all the trepidation of the veriest little amateur, I hoisted sail and got under way. Here was a man, looking on critically, I was sure, who knew more in one second about boats and the water than I could ever know.

Dawn was throwing a wan light upon all things when he thrust his short, sharp muzzle inside that hole, to be met by a positively hair-raising volley of rasping, vicious growls. He promptly ripped out a string of ferocious, dry, harsh growls in return, and for half-a-minute the air became full of growls, horrible and blood-curdling, each answering each.

The Scotchman had signed his name to the document certifying to the stop of the flyers at Kuka, the paper on which they were to secure certifications at every scheduled airport, and they were just in the act of starting over to the field tank to get some water for the airplane's radiators, when, without a moment's warning a hair-raising chorus of yells broke out on the brooding night air, and scores of savage-looking figures sprang from the shadows of the buildings into the open field.