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But they were pebbles of pure gold, and each one of them was as large as the first joint of my thumb. And I had misjudged his courage, I think, for it was avarice and not fear that made him tremble. So that was Lacroix's master-passion! I had always associated it with decrepit old age, as in the case of Charles Duchaine. I looked into the cave.

"You can't frighten me with such stuff. I am not a weak old man!" "You will think differently after Charles Duchaine has been hanged in Quebec jail," he sneered. His words received a wholly unexpected answer. The dotard leaped forward, stooped down, and picked up the heavy roulette-wheel. He raised it aloft and staggered wildly toward Leroux. Simon turned just in time.

"Once, so my father used to say, he was one of the gayest young men in Quebec. But he became involved in the troubles of 1867 and then his wife died, and so lie withdrew there with the little mademoiselle what was her name?" He called his clerk. "Alphonse, what is the name of that pretty daughter of M. Charles Duchaine, of Rivière d'Or?" he asked. "Annette," answered the man. "No, Nanette.

I thought he had the money in his pocket. "I followed him all that afternoon after he had left Carson's office. I watched him in the street. At night he went to a room somewhere at the top of a tall building. I followed him. When I got in I found a woman there. Louis was talking to her and threatening her. He said she was his wife. How could she be his wife when he had married Jacqueline Duchaine?

I and " He broke off suddenly and eyed me with furtive cunning. "Yes, yes, monsieur, Leroux and I. And we two worked here together, with nothing more than picks and shovels and mortars and pestles, Leroux and I. There was nobody else. We slept here when Duchaine thought we were in Quebec. For days and days we washed and dug, and we have hardly scratched the surface.

And thus we will check M. Leroux's designs, which have doubtless included this point. And so, with half a day's start, you will have nothing to fear from him only remember that he has no scruples. Still, I do not think he will catch you and Mlle. Jacqueline before you reach Château Duchaine," he ended, chuckling at his sagacity.

I took the plate from my pocket and set it down on the counter. "The collar was set with silver studs," I said. "This was the plate." Then I remembered the name Leroux had used and flung it out at random. "I think it was for a Mlle. Duchaine," I added. The shot went home.

"You are not a gentleman you know, and you are not fit to marry Jacqueline." Leroux thrust his hard face into the old man's. "Duchaine, your wits are wandering," he answered. "Listen now! Have you forgotten that the government is searching for you night and day? It was a long time ago that you killed a soldier of the Canadian forces, but not too long ago for the government to remember.

Lacroix sprang into the room, called, but whether to us or to the other ruffians I did not know. Leroux sat up and looked about him, dazed and bewildered. Then I was in the little room with Jacqueline and Duchaine, and he turned and bolted the door behind us. He seemed possessed of all the strength and decision of youth again.

"You will give them back to me?" he pleaded. "Remember, monsieur, it was agreed that we should return the money." I thrust the heap of coins toward him. "Now, M. Duchaine," I said; "in return for these you will conduct me to Mlle. Jacqueline." He shook his head as though he had not understood. "It is very strange," he said. "I do not understand it at all. The system cannot be at fault; and yet "