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All four got into the boat, and Harry took care of Freddie while the other boys rowed. "Oh. I'm afraid someone has stoled Downy," cried Freddie, "and maybe they'll make make pudding out of him." "No danger," said Hal, laughing. "No one around here would touch your duck. But he might have gotten curious to see the ocean. He certainly doesn't seem to be around here."

Six days the kingbird babies were unseen from below; but on the seventh day of their life two downy gray caps were lifted above the edge of the dwelling, accompanied by two small yellow beaks, half open for what goods the gods might provide.

"Vacation was just long enough, I think." Mr. Bobbsey was down from the city, of course, to take the family home, and now all hands, even Freddie and Flossie, were busy packing up. There were the shells to be looked after, the fish nets, besides Downy, the duck, and Snoop, the cat. "And just to add one more animal to your menagerie," said Uncle William, "I have brought you a little goldfinch.

I assure you, it was splendid; the great tree glittering with lights and gifts; and, on her invisible perch, up among the green boughs, sat the little golden-haired angel, all in white, with downy wings, a shining crown on her head, and the most serene satisfaction in her blue eyes, as she stretched her chubby arms to those below, and smiled her baby smile at them.

"She has her good days and her bad days," said Julia, biting ecstatic little kisses from the top of the downy little head, "and to-day she has simply been an ANGEL! Wait see if she'll do it! See, Bunny," Julia caught up a white woolly doll. "Oh, see poor dolly Mother's going to put her in the fire!" "Da!" said Anna agitatedly, and Julia tumbled her in another mad embrace.

I sez, "Yes, Josiah, with weariness and a easy conscience, any bed will seem soft as downy pillows are." The next day I felt pretty mauger and stayed in my room most of the time, though Josiah and the children sallied round considerable. But after supper I felt better and went out and set down on the piazza that run along the front of the house, and looked round and enjoyed myself first rate.

Nowhere does mother-love prepare a softer bed. In the middle of this downy mass hangs a fine, silk, thimble-shaped purse, closed with a movable lid. This contains the eggs, of a pretty orange-yellow and about five hundred in number. All things considered, is not this charming edifice an animal fruit, a germ-casket, a capsule to be compared with that of the plants?

I am sure the sea air will do the children good." She did not notice how their faces clouded over. The mere suggestion filled them with despair. Leave her beloved Rhode Island Reds, Peggy was thinking, just as Henrietta had hatched out twelve downy, fluffy balls? Why, they would be big chickens when they came back. Leave Lady Janet? was Alice's thought.

I put it right here, coverin' it with this flat junk an' a lot o' small stuff. I know I know quite well. Harry and McKnight went into the shaft with shovels, and turned over the dirt stowed there to the depth of two feet, but the bag was gone. 'Show a light here, Downy said suddenly, looking up at Dick from the slab on which he was seated above the two workers.

A small bush about 2 feet high, of neat growth, with small leaves, and pink or white flowers that are solitary at the branch ends. R. VILLOSA. Downy Rose. This species is of erect bushy growth, with the leaflets softly downy on both sides. Flowers white or pale pink, succeeded by globular fruits, that are more or less covered with fine hair or prickles. ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS. Common Rosemary.