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"It must be a proud day for you as a father and a college man," he continued, with a kindly smile in my direction. "Really, sir, I am not altogether certain yet," I answered, a trifle doggedly. "My judgment is in a state of suspension."

And there ain't going to be any second time." He shook his head doggedly, and with squared shoulders leaned back in his chair. "If it only breaks right for me," he declared, "I'll settle down in one of those 'Own-your-own-homes, forty-five minutes from Broadway, and never leave the wife and the baby." The words almost brought Ford to his feet. He had forgotten the wife and the baby.

His heart was not ardently involved in this second wooing, but winter was approaching, he had moved his mother out of her summer quarters back to the main house, and he doggedly began papering the ell and furnishing the kitchen without disclosing to his respected parents the identity of the lady for whose comfort he was so hospitably preparing.

Yet he moved doggedly toward it. He must save his own and his father's reputation, perhaps his fortune! There was no reason for him to believe that Flora Harris would spare him unless he did what she had demanded. He had that evening seen how far the spirit of revenge could lead her.

Jim shook his head. "Only for to-night," he replied. "My sister and I are beating it South." "Well, I'll give you five dollars " "No, you won't," Jim smiled. "I'll work for you to-night for just twenty-five cents." "Say, you ain't bughouse, are you?" The boss stared again. "The fourth part of a dollar, two bits!" Jim replied doggedly.

I'm driving to Wenniston, after breakfast, with Beverly Plank, and I need sleep." "I want to talk to you," he repeated doggedly. She regarded him for a moment in silence, then, with an assenting gesture, turned away into her room; and he followed, heavily apprehensive but resolved.

The chamber in which this brief dialogue took place was a meanly-furnished apartment in a small house situated in the suburbs of Manchester. The appearance of the artist was that of a disappointed man, who contends doggedly with adversity rather than stems the torrent with fortitude.

'The manufacturer, true to his word, visited Mr Harris a week or two after George had been taken away, when, as he hoped, the heat of the occasion had passed away, and tried every possible inducement to lead him to restore him to his former employment. "You needn't trouble yourself to talk any longer," said he doggedly; "I know my own business, sir." "I did not presume to interfere with it, sir.

Birnes doesn't know; no one knows but you and me and Mr. Wynne, and perhaps the girl! But, don't you see, if you don't accept the proposition he made the diamond market of the world is ruined? You are ruined!" "But how do you know they are made?" insisted Mr. Latham doggedly. "You've never seen them made, have you?"

Flett, as he admitted, had several times been cleverly misled and had done some unwise things, but he had never lost his patience nor relaxed his efforts. Slowly and doggedly, picking up scraps of information where he could, he had trailed his men to the frontier, where his real troubles had begun.