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So much for the assumption. But in the same sense I utterly deny his proposition, as being a great untruth in divinity; for the sense of it can be no other than this: Whosoever do not manage their office and authority in Christ’s stead, or as deputies and vicegerents of Christ, as he is Mediator, they manage it in the devil’s stead, as the devil’s deputies and vicegerents.

The event justified my expectations, for, after following the road for some three miles, seemingly in the direction of the Devil’s Mountain, I suddenly beheld the castle on my left. I diverged from the road, and, crossing two or three fields, came to a small grassy plain, in the midst of which stood the castle.

In less than two hours I had made the circuit of the Devil’s Mountain, and was returning along the road, bathed with perspiration, but screaming with delight; the cob laughing in his equine way, scattering foam and pebbles to the left and right, and trotting at the rate of sixteen miles an hour.

That which he had to show was, that the pagan magistrate, even while continuing pagan and not Christian, doth manage his office as Christ’s deputy and vicegerent; if not, then I conclude by his principles, a pagan magistrate is the devil’s deputy and vicegerent, which is contrary to Paul’s doctrine, who will have us to be subject for conscience’ sake, even to heathen magistrates, as the ministers of God for good, Rom. xiii. 1-7.

Go to, thou carest neither for thy bow nor for Morfydd, thou merely seekest an opportunity to speak of Reynard; and who has described him like thee? the brute with the sharp shrill cry, the black reverse of melody, whose face sometimes wears a smile like the devil’s in the Evangile.

Grigory took the baby, brought it home, and making his wife sit down, put it on her lap. “A child of Godan orphan is akin to all,” he said, “and to us above others. Our little lost one has sent us this, who has come from the devil’s son and a holy innocent. Nurse him and weep no more.” So Marfa brought up the child.

‘“What is it, Lowborough?” said I, thinking he was fairly cracked at last. ‘“A wife,” he answered; “for I can’t live alone, because my own mind distracts me, and I can’t live with you, because you take the devil’s part against me.” ‘“Who—I?” ‘“Yesall of you doand you more than any of them, you know.

We cannot avail ourselves of the interpretation of these by the best histrionic talent, because the theater has been suffered to fall so completely into the Devil’s hands, that a Christian cannot countenance what is good in it, without at the same time countenancing much that is profane, licentious and indecent.

Is it not rather Garrigou’s bell? that mad little bell which is shaken at the altar foot with an infernal impetuosity that seems all the time to be saying: “Come, let us make haste, make haste.... The sooner we shall have finished, the sooner shall we be at table.” The fact is that every time this devil’s bell tinkles the chaplain forgets his mass, and thinks of nothing but the midnight repast.

I want them to originate in the church as their only legitimate source, so that in every effort put forth for the protection, or restoration, or training of youth, the gospel of Christ, the only power which can ever thoroughly regenerate individual or society, may be paramount: so that the effort may be not only a conservative but an aggressive force, winning youth to Christ as well as keeping them away from Satan, creating positive developments of character as well as securing simple safety or harmlessness, narrowing the boundaries of the devil’s empire as well as keeping Christ’s from infringement.