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But for the Vidame, although he also loves its old time flavour, the salon had no charms just then; and when the glass-covered clock on the mantle chimed from among its gilded cupids the three-quarters he arose with a brisk alacrity and said that it was time for us to be off. Our march out through the rear door of the Château and across the court-yard to the Mazet was processional.

A painted hood of brilliant Chinese colours had been fastened before what was evidently an open hearth, for which a coal stove was substituted. On the middle of the floor was an oriental hassock in silver brocade; while a corner held a spinet-piano decorated in roseate cupids, flower sprays and gold leaf.

We would, however, make the remark that these nine million female pariahs produce here and there a thousand peasant girls who from peculiar circumstances are as fair as Cupids; they come to Paris or to the great cities and end up by attaining the rank of femmes comme il faut; but to set off against these two or three thousand favored creatures, there are one hundred thousand others who remain servants or abandon themselves to frightful irregularities.

But if I thinke you worthy, and accept Your service, it destroies this other reason For your despaire. Why, I can praise you, too. Cou. No, lett it alone I have other reasons Lady Among my papers. But to love or to be in love Is to be guld; that's the plaine English of Cupids Latine.

The cupids on the clock, the little book-rest on a velvet stand, the picture of the Virgin that hung over her bed, with rosaries and palms entwined about it, the photographs of her girl-friends standing on her writing table in pretty frames of old-fashioned silk-all seemed to see her depart with a look of sympathy.

It is late when we enter the beuglant, and the place is crowded to suffocation and thick with tobacco smoke. The hall is an immensely large one, with gleaming chandeliers, frescoed nymphs and cupids on the walls, a regular stage and a regular orchestra.

'tis easy to see that those two unfledged Cupids are already over head and ears in love with each other. Have a care, Master Argyle thy pretty mistress may be lost to thee to-morrow; go back to thy books and thy studies for she is not for thee. Ah, the devil!

I reached out my hand for her and it seemed to wave in empty space.... When I awoke, I was lying on a couch and a screen bedecked with cupids was standing before me. At first I thought I was alone and then I realized that I was in Marguerite's apartment and that Marguerite herself was seated on a low stool beside the couch and gazing at me out of dreamy eyes. "How did I get here?" I asked.

The people have not yet learned not to be astonished; they are perpetually in amazement. When I go out driving " "Your runners ought to fly before you with roses in their hair and wings on their shoulders like Cupids." "In honor of the Alexandrian ladies?" "As if the Roman ladies in Rome, and the fair Greeks at Athens," interrupted Balbilla.

No more does the fair religious postulant play the bacchante in flower-strewn palaces while naked Cupids crown the brimming cup and sandaled feet beat time on polished cedar floors to music that is the cry of brute passion in the blood kneeling in the cold gray dawn upon the stones she clasps a marble cross.