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Rip saw the corporal’s tube flare and knew that everything was all right, at least for the moment, even though the asteroid was still a long way down. He looked upward at the Connie cruiser and saw that it was moving. Its exhaust increased in length and deepened slightly in color as Rip watched, his forehead creased in a frown. What was the Connie up to?

After he had picked up the loose stones before the house, for instance, he drove his hoop about there, with unusual satisfaction; enjoying the neat and tidy appearance of the road much more than he would have done if Jonas had cleared it. In fact, in the course of a month, Rollo became quite a faithful and efficient little workman. The Corporal’s Again.

Two of them met in a sideways crash, then a third staggered as its stern globe flared and exploded. Santos had scored a hit! Rip called, "Good shooting!" The corporal’s reply was rueful, "Sir, that wasn’t the one I aimed at. The sun’s pull is worse than I figured."

And may I go with you?” said Rollo. “Yes,” said his father, “you may.” Rollo was always very much pleased when his father let him go to the corporal’s. The Corporal’s. But perhaps the reader will like to know who this corporal was that Rollo was so desirous of going to see.

After going on a short distance, they came out into a kind of opening among the trees, where a mill came into view, by the side of the stream; and opposite to it, across the road, under the trees, was the corporal’s little shop. The trees hung over the shop, and behind it there was a high rocky hill almost covered with forest trees.

Blue blouses—a corporal’s guard of trooperswere pulling up by the cantina hitch rail as Drew came out into the plaza. Muller’s men probably, he thought. But now he was more intent on Anse’s needs. Few people had ever broken through the crust of self-sufficiency the Kentuckian had begun to grow in early childhood.

They used to put a little cricket in, upon the bottom of the chaise, for Rollo to sit upon; but this was not very convenient, and so one day Rollo’s father said that, now Rollo had become so pleasant a boy to ride with them, he would have a little seat made on purpose for him. “In fact,” said he, “I will take the chaise down to the corporal’s to-night, and see if he cannot do it for me.”

That evening Rollo and his father set off in the chaise to go to the corporal’s. It was not very far. They rode along by some very pleasant farm-houses, and came at length to the house where Georgie lived. They then went down the hill; but, just before they came to the bridge, they turned off among the trees, into a secluded road, which led along the bank of the stream.

James came with him, and they walked back very pleasantly together. When they got back across the bridge again, they turned off towards the mill, talking about the wheelbarrow. Rollo told James about his learning to work, and about his having seen the wheelbarrow at the corporal’s, and how he trundled it about, and liked it very much.

“I should like to see it very much,” said James. “I suppose I can, when we get to the corporal’s shop.” “No,” said Rollo, “he said that that wheelbarrow was engaged; and I suppose it has been taken away before this time.” Just then the corner of the corporal’s shop began to corner into view, and presently the door came in sight, and James called out, “Yes, yes, there it is.